9 Recommendations I’m Recommending Again

I was lying on my back on the floor of the theatre dressing room with my hands resting on my stomach. I slowly breathed in and out again, trying to get my period pain under control before I went on stage.

My castmate Helen walked past and said ‘Are you okay? You look really pale.’

I rolled on to my stomach and slowly stood up. ‘Oh, I’m fine, just period pain.’

She then asked me if I’d ever used a menstrual cup before. I had literally no idea what she was talking about. After patiently explaining to me what it was, I politely nodded and filed her recommendation in my WTF file and didn’t think anything about it.

A few years later I was complaining on Facebook about period pain and Helen popped up in the comments section. ‘Seriously Carly, try a menstrual cup. They seem really weird but they’re actually awesome.’ 

I ignored her again. Unprompted, a few months later she sent me an article about menstrual cups in the same week I saw an advertisement for collapsible Lily Cups.The tiny little compact enticed me so I ordered one and I’ve never looked back. My Lily cup is one of my favourite purchases of the last few years and I now own three because I flat out refuse to use tampons again.

The point of this story is not to make you use a menstrual cup (although you definitely should because they’re freaking awesome). The point of this story is that it took my mate Helen three tries before she convinced me to get one. You know why? Because some people need convincing. I’m a nightmare consumer for brands, I rarely fall for advertising and I will think about a purchase for months before I hand over my cash. I need someone to tell me multiple times about something awesome before I listen. Side note – Thanks, Helen. Solid effort there, REALLY appreciate it.

On that note, I wanted to put together a list of things that I’ve recommended before but you may have missed or ignored my recommendation so I’m recommending it again. Here some things I’ve bought that I absolutely loved. For more visit https://www.smaggle.com/recommendations/


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