9 proven ways to achieve a career while you are still a student
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How to get a job while you are still in college
If you are still in college and looking for a job, then you may be wondering how to get one. The answer is simple: You just have to set realistic expectations about your career path. You can't expect that you'll be able to walk straight into any job or company; it takes time and experience to network effectively, learn new skills, build relationships with potential employers...and so on!
1. Expect lot of applying and lot of time
Before you even think about applying to jobs, it's important to set the right expectation. It takes time and effort, but it is possible.?
You should be prepared for several applications per week—if not more! In order for a company's hiring manager or recruiter to review all of their applications (the number varies depending on the size of their staff), they need time too; which can take anywhere between 2-6 weeks total depending upon how busy each department may already be when many students look forward most eagerly (and often end up disappointed).
2. Create your resume early
You'll be glad you did. Your resume is an important tool to help you find a job, and it can be used as a means to highlight your skills and experiences in an area where you're interested. It should also include information about where you went to school or what experience (if any) has given credibility to the skills listed on your resume. Make sure that when looking at other resumes, employers notice how well-rounded they are; this will make them more likely to hire someone with similar qualities!
??Good News: You can create your resume from first year and keep updating it in TaPTaP
3. List all of your skills and experiences
When you are applying for jobs, the best way to stand out is by being specific. Include any skills or experiences that might make your application unique and valuable. For example, if you have been volunteering at a local animal shelter and know how to clean up after animals, this could be a great asset for an employer who needs help with their cat-litter boxes.
If there are certain topics in which you have expertise (such as programming), list those here as well—even if they aren't directly related to the job description! The point is not just about what skills exist within yourself but also what kind of person one would need in order for them to succeed in their position at the company where they're applying.
4. Get certified and take workshops
The next step is to get certified. There are a number of certifications available, ranging from software to mobile app development and more. Certifications can be obtained at relatively low cost, as well as being an excellent way to demonstrate your skillset and maybe even get a job offer from the company where you’re looking for work.
If possible, it’s always good practice to try not just one certification but several so that you have some experience under your belt before moving onto more advanced ones later on in life (or college). The more certs you have, the better!
Certification exams are often given by companies who want someone with specific expertise; if they see potential in someone who has been certified through them then there's no doubt that they'll hire them based upon this demonstration alone!
??Good News: You can create self-certify on TaPTaP
5. Start networking
Networking is an essential part of job-seeking. It's about building relationships with people who can help you get a job, and it's not just about looking for one.
Networking is also about being helpful to others, as well as yourself! People will remember if they feel like their time was spent in vain or was wasted on someone who wasn't willing to be there for them.
When networking, focus on building strong relationships with people within your field and don't just limit yourself to friends or acquaintances—networking doesn't have to be limited by geography!
6. Find a mentor or a coach
If you're looking for a mentor, it can be helpful to find someone who has been where you are now, and who will help guide your career toward success.
If this is not an option, there are many ways to get advice and guidance from those who have already achieved what you want out of life. Every person's path is unique, but some common themes do exist:
??Good News: You can attend number of webinars arranged by Blackbucks and connect with experts and mentors?
7. Complete an internship before graduation
One of the best ways to get your foot in the door while you're still in college is to complete an internship. An internship is a great way to test the waters and get some experience, but it's also an opportunity for you to learn about your company and industry by working directly with someone who could help shape your career later on.
Internships are also an excellent way for students who aren't sure what they want after graduation or don't have any job prospects lined up yet, since they allow them time away from school while still earning money (and hopefully learning something along the way). There's no harm in taking one—it'll only cost you $1 per hour at most places!
??Good News: You can apply for number of internships with Blackbucks. Alternately you can learn work by joining "learning internships"?
8. Do not be afraid to apply for jobs
You may be tempted to wait until you are out of school before applying for jobs. However, this is a mistake. Being able to show that you have experience and skills in the field will give your application more credibility and help make it stand out from others.
If the job description seems like something that would work well for your skill set, apply! Even if it seems too good to be true (like getting free food at work), don't let fear keep you from applying!
Hurray: Blackbucks TaPTaP studies your goals, discovers your interests and matches you with relevant opportunities.
9. People tend to give up on their job hunt before the end. Keep persevering!
Don't give up!
You've made it this far, so don't stop now. You're still in college and have plenty of time left before graduation. Keep looking for jobs, especially if your school doesn't offer any assistance or resources for finding employment. If you need help, ask around; there are many people who want to help others succeed—and they may just know someone who could hire your degree on-the-spot!
This is a great time to be looking for a job, and you can make your dreams come true with the right strategy. Remember that you don’t have to have all these skills or experiences on paper yet—but they will help get you noticed by potential employers as well as give them insight into what kind of person might be good fit for their organization. And remember: it’s never too early to start networking and building relationships with people who can help advance your career!
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