9 Out Of 10 Scripts Are Rejected By The Script Reader by Daniel Calvisi

(Watch the video on Youtube here)

9 Out Of 10 Scripts Are Rejected By The Script Reader by Daniel Calvisi via FilmCourage.com.

Film Courage: How many screenplays over the course of your life time have you read?

Daniel Calvisi: Probably…over a thousand? I’m not one of those people who’s like I’ve read 5,000 or 6,000.

Film Courage: Of the numerous scripts that you’ve read, how many would you say went on to become films?

Daniel Calvisi: Very few. It’s very rare. It’s hard for a script to get optioned or sold. And then it’s harder for it to get produced. So it’s very rare and that’s why I always say your script has to be great. It can’t just be good. It has to be great. That’s why I titled my first book How To Write A GREAT Screenplay, with great in caps because working as a reader and now as a writing coach something really has to blow me away and because it’s so tough for it to rise up the ladder and become an optioned script, a sold script, a produced script. So you really have to come in with something with a unique voice, with a unique approach to a commercially successful genre. It’s really tough. So I can’t really put…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

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