9 NFL Teams Decline ‘Pride’ Messaging

9 NFL Teams Decline ‘Pride’ Messaging

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9 NFL Teams Decline ‘Pride’ Messaging

We are into the month of June now, and as per social customs these days, many corporate entities and sports teams have changed their social media handles to celebrate “Pride month” regardless of how their customer or fanbases feel about... READ HERE

An evangelical singer releases a pro-Trump Christian music video

This is not a parody. Here is Natasha Owens: Lyrics: I’m not saying He’s something divine; He gets in trouble bigly Time after time; He’s controversial But one thing is true; Imperfect people A perfect God can use; I’m standing with the Chosen one...? READ HERE

Faith, Flying and Outer Space: America’s First Black Astronaut Has Only Gratitude at 90 Years Young

After becoming the oldest person to fly in space on May 19, Ed Dwight, 90, received “hundreds of calls” from media and well-wishers. But that was nothing compared to the attention he received in the early 1960s, when he was poised to... READ HERE

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U.S. Christian College Rankings, 2024

For a decade, Faith on View has produced the most comprehensive rankings of American Christian Colleges and Universities available. These top colleges are profoundly and distinctly Christian. 207 institutions are ranked using 25 measures... READ HERE

Mass exodus of African Methodists from UMC amidst doctrinal disputes

The United Methodist Church (UMC) is facing a significant schism as over one million African members, primarily from the Ivory Coast, voted to leave the denomination. This mass departure follows the UMC’s recent decisions at the... READ HERE

Stop It! Stop the Messianic comparisons for Trump

Stop it! Please, I am begging you. There has been a growing conflation of right-wing politics and right-wing Christianity almost my entire life. I was born 34 days before the Roe v. Wade ruling. Historians like Randall Balmer have demonstrated... READ HERE

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How Christian Universities See Themselves

When I was teaching at Olivet Nazarene in the late 1980s, a number of us faculty were encouraging the administration that, due to a variety of recent changes within the university, it was time to raise our sights and strive to become more of a... READ HERE

IM CULTURE: Christian Feminism

Elara was a young woman who lived in a quiet town in the Midwest. She was a devout Christian, her heart aflame with love for Jesus Christ and the Word of God. Elara attended the little church on the corner of Church Hill & Boadway, where...? READ HERE

Did Jesus Descend to Hell?

The traditional version of the Apostles’ Creed in English says: I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was... READ HERE

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