The '9' most common causes of HAIRLOSS | What you CAN DO about it
The '9' most common causes of HAIRLOSS | What you CAN DO about it ??
1. Thyroid Problems
Either an underactive thyroid, a medical condition called hypothyroidism, or an overactive thyroid, or hyperthyroidism, can result in hair loss because each condition causes a hormonal imbalance.
2. Thinning Hair Following Pregnancy
Other hormonal imbalances can also lead to hair loss, especially the wildly fluctuating hormones that occur following pregnancy and childbirth. This often occurs about three months after baby’s arrival.
3. Hair Loss Due to Medications
Hair loss is a side effect of a number of medications taken for common health problems. Blood-thinning medications, oral contraceptives, drugs for depression, NSAIDs, and beta and calcium channel blockers can all lead to thinning hair or baldness.
4. Physical Trauma
When your body is under serious physical stress, the natural cycle of hair growth and resting can be disrupted, resulting in hair loss, often in the form of thinning hair — strands may come out in clumps.
5. Emotional Stress
When you're dealing with a life-altering event, like a divorce or break-up, bankruptcy or other financial problems, the loss of a home, or the death of a loved one, significant emotional stress can also disrupt the normal cycle of hair growth.
6. Diet Deficiencies
Poor nutrition or following a severely restrictive crash or fad diet can lead to all kinds of nutrient deficiencies, which in turn can result in hair loss, from thinning hair to patches of baldness.
7. Autoimmune Diseases
Alopecia areata is often associated with an autoimmune disease, so it's thought that some forms of hair loss can be caused by one of these medical conditions. Diabetes and lupus are two autoimmune diseases that can result in hair loss.
8. Infections
A number of infections and illnesses can lead to hair loss. An infection that causes a high fever, a fungal skin infection, and bacterial infections like syphilis can all be responsible for balding or thinning hair.
9. Extreme Hair Care
In an effort to create a stylish hairdo, you can actually cause significant damage and breakage to strands, which could result in hair loss and thinning hair.
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