9 Minimalist Habits That Will Save You Hours For Sure ????
Photo by Pierre Chatel-Innocenti on Unsplash

9 Minimalist Habits That Will Save You Hours For Sure ????

Minimalism is a lifestyle choice that allows us to be more conscious of our choices and practice restraint.

It’s an empowering lifestyle choice that allows us to gain control of our time and energy.

By simplifying our lives, we become more efficient with our tasks and free up hours of unnecessary workload — which, in turn, helps us achieve the most out of our day so that we can spend less time stressing and more time living.

Nine minimalist habits that will save you hours include:

Let’s dive in!

1.) Get rid of 1 thing every day

Here’s the game plan: pick one item each day that’s not pulling its weight, doesn’t spark joy, or simply doesn’t vibe with your current groove.

Then, bid it farewell.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: focus on shedding just one thing every day. It’s like a daily cleanse of your belongings.

Why? Because, let’s be real, most of us are drowning in a sea of “stuff” that promises comfort and value but often falls short.

As you wave goodbye to these items, a magical transformation happens:

  • Your space becomes an oasis of peace and order, unleashing a ninja-like focus and mental clarity.
  • Suddenly, you’re mindful of what you consume, reflecting on purchases, and asking the crucial question: “Do I really need or value this in my life?

Feel like turning this into a friendly competition? Grab a buddy and make it a challenge — the first to skip a day loses.

2.) Build a capsule wardrobe

Picture this: a concise and streamlined wardrobe selection, carefully chosen to work seamlessly together throughout the season or even the entire year.

It’s all about quality over quantity, simplifying your closet, and making each morning stress-free.

Now, let’s talk stats. According to Marks & Spencer, the average person spends a whopping 17 minutes a day deciding what to wear. That’s four full days or six months of your life — purely dedicated to choosing an outfit.

Mind-blowing, right?

So, let’s dive into the capsule magic. Here’s the game plan:

  1. Decide on the number of pieces (anywhere from 25 to 50).
  2. Sort through what you have.
  3. Choose a killer color palette.
  4. Keep those essential, versatile items.
  5. Donate what doesn’t make the cut.

3.) Buy high-quality things

Let’s talk money rules. I have 10 that I live by, and here’s Rule #3: “Buy the best and keep it as long as possible.”

Believe it or not, cheap is almost always more expensive. Let me break it down.

  1. Hidden costs. Cheap products often mean lower quality, leading to frequent repairs. On the other hand, high-quality items are built to last, often with warranties and reliable customer support, reducing the need for constant fixes.
  2. Performance matters. Cheaper products might skimp on specs, causing inefficiencies in your day-to-day tasks. High-quality items? Superior performance for a smoother, more productive experience.
  3. Frequent replacement. Cheap products wear out quickly, leading to more replacements and, you guessed it, higher costs over time. High-quality items withstand wear and tear, offering longevity and fewer replacements.
  4. Customer service. Cheap products often mean inadequate support, causing frustration and wasting your precious time. Quality items come with reliable customer service from reputable companies.

So, how does this apply to my 32-item wardrobe, all from the same brand? They might not be the cheapest, but with a minimal wardrobe, I’m investing in quality, comfort, and longevity.

Sure, I spent more upfront, but it’s a savvy financial move in the long run. Invest wisely, and save more.

4.) Unsubscribe from emails

On average, we spend a whopping 28% of our workday tackling emails — about 120 messages a day, and we’re checking our inbox roughly 11 times per hour.

That’s 88 times during a regular workday.

Now, the real question: Is your inbox adding value or stealing time? Time for a closer look.

  • For each email, ask, “Is this useful and necessary?
  • If the answer is ‘no,’ hit that unsubscribe button.
  • Don’t just leave them unopened or delete them; that’s delaying the inevitable and cluttering your virtual space.

Unsubscribing liberates you from the chains of useless emails, giving you more room to focus on what truly matters.

So, gear up and start hitting that ‘unsubscribe’ button. Free yourself from email torture; one click at a time.

5.) Streamline your finances

I don’t have a magic wand regarding finances, but I do have a game-changer: automation. Instead of juggling bills like a circus performer, let’s make our money do the heavy lifting, freeing up your mental space.

No, we’re not going for a completely hands-off approach; that might backfire. The idea is to shift from actively handling every penny to supervising it from a distance.

Here are the keys:

  • Automate monthly payments.
  • Kick unused subscriptions to the curb.
  • Set up automatic contributions to investments.
  • Let a portion of your paycheck effortlessly glide into savings.

How do we make this magic happen? Forget complex spreadsheets.

Why is this important? Awareness. Before you dive into the financial playground, you need to understand the lay of the land.

Once you’ve got the 411, you can automate and adjust your financial moves, such as:

  • Consolidating bill due dates.
  • Setting up auto-pay.
  • Automating your budget.

Full disclosure: My finances are fully automated. Set it, forget it. From bills to investments, I want to strategize, not wrestle with financial admin.

6.) De-weaponize your device

Let’s talk about our trusty sidekick, the phone — a time-devouring beast if not tamed. Ready to de-weaponize this tech giant?

Here’s the battle plan:

  1. Set screen time limits: Control the monster by limiting its feasting time.
  2. Grayscale mode: Drain the allure of vibrant colors and make it less appealing.
  3. Disable non-emergency notifications: Stop the constant nagging for your attention.
  4. Add friction with apps like ‘one sec’: Make it a bit tougher to engage mindlessly.
  5. Delete time-wasting apps: If they’re not adding value, they’re gone.
  6. Organize apps into folders: Categorize them based on their purpose.
  7. Set time limits for specific apps: Be deliberate about your social media use.
  8. Utilize ‘Do Not Disturb’: Silence unnecessary notifications.
  9. Create physical distance: Keep it away when it’s not needed.

Personally, I’ve set daily time limits for social media, buried them in folders, and used the ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode judiciously. Let’s make our phones work for us, not against us.

7.) Prune your to-do list

As businessman Tim Collins said: “If you have more than three priorities, then you don’t have any.”

Now, three might sound bare, but the essence is crucial — keep your priorities laser-focused. The more on your plate, the higher the risk of scattering your efforts.

Craft a killer to-do list:

  1. Keep it short (3–6 items).
  2. Prioritize ruthlessly.
  3. Integrate it into your schedule.

Need a nudge in the right direction? Enter the Ivy Lee Method. Here’s the shortened version:

  1. List your six most vital tasks for tomorrow.
  2. Prioritize them.
  3. Tackle them in order, one at a time.
  4. If some linger, roll them over to tomorrow.

8.) Use the 2-Minute Rule

Ever heard of the 2-Minute Rule? It’s a game-changer.

Here’s the golden nugget: If a task takes less than 2 minutes, do it now. Why? Because tasks have a sneaky tendency to morph into giants the longer we procrastinate.

We’re in the driver’s seat today, knowing our energy levels, workload, and limitations. But, tomorrow is a wild card.

Sleepless night? Emergency meeting? Surprise sickness? Life happens, and it doesn’t care about our color-coded calendars.

So, tackle those quick tasks today in order to prevent tomorrow from being overrun by a cascade of small tasks.

Let’s keep the pipes of productivity flowing freely, avoiding the looming tower of tiny to-dos that can overshadow the important stuff.

9.) Build an idea capture system

Ever wondered what the inside of our minds would look like if we could tour them, Charlie’s Chocolate Factory-style? It’s a creation factory, buzzing with problem-solving machines, creativity presses, and idea printers.

But here’s the catch: our ‘mind factory’ is for having ideas, not holding them. Holding onto ideas disrupts our production capabilities.

To avoid this catastrophe, capture any thought that excites, interests, or energizes you. How? Use tools like Notion or your phone’s notes app.


There you have it — 9 minimalist habits that will save you hours. I hope the examples and definitions in this guide help you embrace the liberating power of minimalism.


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