9 Major Benefits Of RO Water
Pure Water Solutions
One of the most demanding companies in the field of water treatment.
Most common question regarding Water Filters is What are the Benefits of RO Water? Traditionally people used to boil and strain before drinking it. It worked back then but at this point, where pollution has taken toll on everyone’s health majorly, the polluted water requires RO Water Purifier System. Boiling can only kill the bacteria present in the water and as per nutritionist, that is not enough for healthy drinking water. The contaminants, Dissolved Solids, Chemicals and other Minerals in the water make it harmful for consumption.
RO ( Reverse Osmosis ) is a Water Treatment Process which removes harmful dissolved solids and contaminants from water using pressure to force water molecules through a semipermeable membrane. The dissolved solids and contaminants are filtered out and flushed away during this process, leaving clean and purified drinkable water. RO was first introduced in North America through Home Purification System in 1970s ( Read article ). Reverse Osmosis is the most commonly process all over the world which is being used to purify water.
It is important to think about our health and the health of the people we are surrounded by. This is why we should install the water purification system in our homes and offices.
Although there many benefits of RO Water, but below we have mentioned 9 important reasons that speak about the importance and benefits of RO Water :
9 Major Benefits Of RO Water
1. Several Stages Of Water purification : One of the most important benefits of RO Water is that it has multiple filtration process. A good Water Purifier consists of 6-8 stages of water purification( Read our Article ). All the stages have their own important task. Dust Particles, Smell, Odour etc. get cleared on different stages. TDS Level of water is controlled by Reverse Osmosis membrane. Bacteria and viruses are damaged by UV. These stages of purification make water safe for drinking and cooking.
2. Safe Drinking Water : When the water we drink is hard, iron water or has bad odour and taste, it means we are not consuming safe water. There have been reports about the presence of dangerous chemicals and metals in the water supplied to our homes and workplace. These chemicals and metals can cause major health issues over an extended period. Consuming chemically treated water causes a strain on the Liver & Kidneys whereas RO Filtered Water will allow us and our family to have easy access to safe, fresh and clean drinking water.
3. Benefits to Skin and Hair : This also one of the benefits of RO Water. Chemicals and Heavy metals like chlorine, aluminum and mercury contained in unfiltered water are known to pull moisture from our skin and break down collagen. These contaminants are also capable enough to strip oils from our hair, leaving it all dry and pull. Pure Water nourish our skin, body and hair without causing any sort of damage.
4.Maintains Good Oral Health : Drinking RO Water maintains good oral health. Most of us do not know about this fact that drinking unsafe water also effects our teeth badly. This is why dentists always advice to use RO Water for teeth cleaning.
5. RO Water Nourishes Food : The food prepared in fresh, clean and purified water nourishes our body. Contaminated can cause the food to get tainted and hence cause us other hazardous health issues. Salts in unfiltered water also change taste of cooked ops.
6. RO Water Tastes and Smells Better : Taste is a subjective matter. However as per the National Rural Water Association; RO Water is generally rated better tasting than tap water by the people who compare the two in blind taste tests. Contaminants like lead, iron, nitrates, sulphur – based compounds and various chemical residues often make tap water distasteful. Reverse Osmosis Treatment removes these substances and gives drinking water a cleaner and fresher taste.
7. Protects the Appliances : Unfiltered water has high minerals specially calcium and magnesium which makes water hard. Minerals found in hard water are deposited within water using appliances like water glass, cooking appliances, water storage appliances etc. This can shorten life or quicker breakdown of appliances due to corrosion and mineral building up. By using RO Purified Water we can get rid of these problems.
8. Quenches Thirst Quickly : If we drink chemically treated water from our faucets at home, chances are we have to drink twice as much water to really feel like our thirst has been quenched.
9.Cooks Food Early : Because of so many harmful dissolved solids, minerals and dust particles in supply water, underground water or borewell water take longer time to be boiled. Opposite of this RO water gets boiled earlier and saves our fuel, energy and time.
Above mentioned points are some of the major benefits of RO Water. However there are also some more benefits of RO Water but points that we have mentioned above are the prime benefits of RO Water.
Myths and Facts About RO Water
Myth# 1: RO water is not safe to drink as it does not have nutrients.
Fact : It would not be wrong to say that RO Water does not contain many nutrients. But the benefits of RO Water does not diminish because of it. The same thing is with tap or supply water. Tap or supply water at our home also does not contain all essential nutrients. On the other hand, tap water or supply water carries contaminations much more than the nutrients. We may easily compensate for missing nutrients by our diet. Is it wise to have numerous contaminants for some nutrients which can be easily compensate.
Myth# 2 : RO water is not safe to drink because it is Acidic.
Fact : Normal tap or supply water has a ph value of 7. It means water is neither acidic nor basic. But when water passes through Reverse Osmosis process, it removes harmful dissolved solids, minerals and salts. Because of this ph level of water sometimes drops down to 5 or 5.5 and this makes water a little acidic. This happens because pure water grabs more CO2 from air.
But there is nothing to worry about. It is perfectly fine because the acidic nature of RO water is much more less than the acids in our stomach. Acidic nature of water comes to normal when it comes in contact with the food in our stomach. Even if, empty stomach have more acidic nature than RO Water. It means there will be no any side effect of drinking RO Water.
Myth#3 : RO Water is unsafe because of scientifically treated.
Fact : A lot of people do not prefer to drink RO Water because they think that RO ( Reverse Osmosis ) is an unusual treatment of water. They do not know the benefits of RO Water. They think water is treated by unsafe process. This is absolutely wrong. First of all, there is no chemical used for Reverse Osmosis. Although it is a scientific process but the science behind Reverse Osmosis does not contain any unsafe process. It is just a simple process by applying force and energy to reverse the natural osmosis process ( Read our Detailed Article ).
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