9 Factors in Being an Authentic Leader.
Steven Wood
Managing Director, Chief Operating Officer, Operations Director of over 30 years experience in the Food Manufacturing Industry
We all want to be perceived as authentic in how we operate as individuals. As a leader it is a foundation stone that respect, trust and ultimately credibility are built from. To be perceived as genuine character in leadership is a defining step in winning hearts and minds as Henna Inam beautifully captured, "it is the fullest expression of me for the benefit of we." Yet I often sense a feeling of reticence on showing who we are based upon a fear in leadership that we "reveal" too much of our inner self. I believe that to ascend the highest levels of leadership excellence we must overcome that fear and really understand and be ourselves in engagement with people. Given it’s importance, reflecting on what it actually means in practical terms and how it’s qualities are seen in leadership is an exercise which is extremely valuable. In my experience these are the qualities that I have witnessed in leaders that make their thoughts words and deeds truly authentic. It is not a question of one above the other. All must be considered and addressed. Although we must start the journey with point 1.
I hope this is helpful to somebody.
1, Invest time and effort to in truly understanding your values.
In leadership, your values are your compass, they show us the way when we are lost or struggle for answers. Yet we must know what they are first. Ensure you are clear about what is important to you and base your approach to leadership on these values. Never sacrifice them, base everything you do on them as a leader. They are critical in generating an authentic approach without understanding them we can appear shallow and superficial, with them people can see we lead based on whet we believe is right. Values which have people, effort and humility at their heart will shine out, not only to yourself but to all those around you who are searching for beacon from which they can guide their decisions. The start of authenticity in leadership is to be clear on your values and let them show in your day to day decision making, actions and behaviours.
2. Lead from your heart and implement with your head.
Once leaders understand there values and principles, then show you care about what you are passionate about. Colleagues like to see your heart, it means they can see a cause worth fighting for and they will fight for it too. Sterile, robotic leadership, is of no use in winning others hearts and minds. Learn to lead from with your heart but implement with your brain. It is important that you have coherence and structure to implementation and that you can manage responses well to setbacks - only your brain can do that for you. Both organs have an important role to play in authentic leadership A very powerful and effective combination when used in the right balance. But the heart must come first, As John Maxwell brilliantly summarised, "You can't move people to action unless you first move them with emotion. The heart must come before the head."
3. Be prepared to admit your impefections...... Nobody is perfect.
When we show our heart, action will follow, and when actions follow mistakes will be made along the way - that is a reality of the world. It is also a reality of the world that leaders make mistakes. So ... put your hand up and take responsibility. Nobody expects their leaders to be perfect. In fact the leader who professes to be perfect is not credible or authentic. What is expected is that when we admit and embrace our mistakes we then work hard to make them better, just as with those we expect to lead. Mistakes are nobodies exclusive domain, how we respond is what defines us all as people. The ivory tower is not the domain of the authentic leader, the front line is, and colleagues will far sooner respect and mobilise for a leader who is prepared to accept this reality than one who is aloof, remote and apparently perfect.
4. Think with Sincerity
The process of thinking is the crucial conduit between our values and our actions. How we think translates values into behaviour. We must start from our values and then aim to think without pretence, deceit or hypocrisy. If we think that way then our actions will be defined in a way that shows genuine intent based upon an empathic approach to leadership. We are what we think and colleagues can see that every minute of the day. Authentic thinking starts from a simple premise - can we accept that we genuinely try to achieve win/win outcomes and do not try to manipulate situations for self gain. We approach situations with the mindset that we are all in a challenge together and the outcome will be enhanced if we support and mutually trust each other in out actions and intent. People then see leaders who want to help others first to achieve desired outcomes and then that action will be reciprocated many times over by loyal and engaged colleagues.
5. Communicate with Honesty and Humility - Match with your actions.
We can think and act with with great values and intentions at our core, but what comes out of our mouth's will often be the defining factor. Honesty in communication means we explain what we know and admit what we do not . Nobody expects leaders to have all the answers, but they do expect leaders to admit they do not have all the answers, and then work tirelessly to find answers. People see if we are trying to wing it - so don't. Humility must then follow, recognise the contributions of others, be modest and measured, seek the input of others and be dignified in response to provocation. We should never forget the wisdom of Confucious - who taught us that, "the superior person is modest in their speech but exceeds in their actions." words are of only any value in building authenticity when they are matched and aligned with behaviours.
6. Behave ethically and with integrity at all times.
We should always be mindful of the fact that people see our actions before they hear our words. We must act in a way which means our values and thoughts are carried out day in day out. To make the right calls not the easy ones is a powerful statement our belief in what is right. Colleagues see authenticity through transparency and consistency of action. The even greater benchmark is set to us by CS Lewis he defines the true test of our integrity by "doing the right thing even when nobody is watching." The reality for leaders is we live in a goal fish bowl so we must work to Vince Lombardi's mentality that "you don't do the right things once in a while, you do the right things all of the time." An individual that commits to those benchmarks will truly show authenticity in thought and deed and inspire those around them to similar ambitions.
7. Be A Pragmatic Optimist in your Philosophy.
Overly ideological views build a perception of to much theory and not enough reality. Yet we must also have dreams to aspire to. By being pragmatic in approach we show flexibility in our responses towards achieving our aspirations. We must accept that progress is rarely linear and we must have the adaptability to accept that fact. Equally a vision of where we want to go is the light that must be shined for us all to be follow. Staying positive in pursuit of that vision is simply a must if we want others to do that. This also has to be done with visible energy, authentic leaders are present and in the moment with their teams, they are not absentee landlords to any degree. we must have an understanding of our teams reality and be able to appreciate their challenges - otherwise we risk the perception of not having a grasp on current reality. Pragmatic optimism is the mindset of the authentic leader.
8. Show a good balance in your life.
We are all human beings - so leaders should show their human side. A leader that talks openly about the balance between work, family and friends is believable and authentic. People do not want to be lead by individuals who have a one dimensional view of life. They want to be lead by people who understand and empathise with the complexities of life - and can relate to them. Leaders also need to show flexibility in their approach - apply emotional intelligence to situations and circumstances, rules are important, but so are people's individual circumstances. The only place the broad brush should be applied is in the whitewashing of a wall - not in the treatment of colleagues and human beings. Balance and sensitivity are realities when dealing with people reality so show it in your approach - it shows much about how authentic you are. I would suggest you cannot do a good job if a job is all that you do. As Heather Schuck reminded us, " you are never truly satisfied by work until you are satisfied by life."
9. Show that you Lead for Today and Tomorrow.
An authentic approach means we must consider not just what is immediately in front of us, but our responsibility to future generations. Building a legacy in leadership is hugely respected, it shows an awareness of wider responsibilities and a balanced perception of what success means to us. It also drives a mindset on decision making that shines out to colleagues as it is based on balance, maturity and responsibility. It shows that we don't always take the short term benefits from a harvest if it is better to leave those seeds to grow and develop for much greater longer terms benefits. Those leaders that consider legacy as a fundamental responsibility will show colleagues great authenticity and credibility in their approach. we should never forget the power in the words of Gary Vaynerchuk, "Your legacy is being written by yourself every day, make the right decisions."
To lead with any level of sustained effectiveness we must allow colleagues to see authenticity and credibility in our approach. That fundamental requirement should sit very high in the mindset of any person who is leading or about to embark on a life in leadership. Authenticity does not have an entry gate set of conditions associated to age, seniority or experience. It most certainly does demand leaders to invest heavily in a thorough understanding and commitment to their values, thoughts, behaviours, communication and actions. And we should never fall into the trap as senior leaders that the former list excludes you from constantly checking yourself against the latter - there is no substitute - and those that we aim to serve and inspire every day will decide if their leaders build or lose their hearts and minds based upon that latter list. Be fearlessly authentic, there is nothing to be afraid of, from that base leadership can deeply inspire and the heart be truly won.
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This absolutely nails it!
Working at Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Swindon
6 年Particularly item 6.
Facilitator, Communication & Transferable Skills Training, Small-scale Video & Audio Production, Writer.
6 年Brilliant.
Director, Labour Market Policy, Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training
6 年Excellent article, Steve. Thank you for so clearly articulating that which is critical to inspiring leadership. A keeper!
Divisional Manager - Spa & Beauty at 4Leisure Recruitment
6 年What a great read; so true and so real. People buy into people, whether it be product, service or leadership. Without the buy-in you’ll rarely receive the loyalty.