9 Core Beliefs That Can Take Your Leadership From Good to Great

9 Core Beliefs That Can Take Your Leadership From Good to Great

Raj was an energetic young man who loved taking long morning walks ????

He would start every day sharp at 5 am and choose a new direction for his morning stroll.

One morning he decided to walk farther than usual.

And he came across a circus, set up in the middle of a farm ??

He hadn't seen a circus camp in many many years.

And was excited to revisit what was otherwise an old memory from his childhood ??

As he walked further down towards the circus, he spotted some elephants standing in the camp. ??

As Raj gazed upon these giant magnificent creatures, he couldn't help but wonder why these elephants wouldn't try to escape? ??

They could have easily done so, all that was holding them back was a small piece of rope tied to one of their legs.?

No cages, no chains, just the little piece of rope...

Raj was confused...?

The elephants could easily use their strength to break the rope and escape.?

But instead, they didn’t try to at all.

So out of curiosity, he walked up to to a trainer who was standing nearby.

And asked...?

“How come these elephants never try to escape?”?

The trainer replied; “When they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to hold them back."

"As they grow up; they are conditioned to believe that they cannot break away, so they never even try.”

The only reason that the elephants weren’t breaking free and escaping from the camp was that over time they adopted the "BELIEF" that it just wasn’t possible.

So, what is a belief?

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A belief is a thought that is true to you and one which is acquired through the interpretation of past personal experiences.?

From a very young age ever since we gain consciousness, our experiences condition our way of thinking. Everything we learn and believe is by observing our surroundings.?

A belief is basically a feeling of certainty about what something means. It is based on your interpretation of painful and pleasurable experiences.?

Beliefs create the maps that guide us toward our goals and give us the power to take action.?

Our limiting beliefs can cause us to miss out on the things that we want most in life and our empowering beliefs can drive us towards the life we want to live.?

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What is the goal that you have always wanted to achieve and haven’t?

Why haven’t you??

Whatever your reason, there’s always a limiting belief!

Our mind is a very powerful machine. Yet, if you're like most people, you probably spend very little time reflecting on the way you think and what you believe. After all, who thinks about thinking??

Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. One of the most basic ways that beliefs can shape reality is through their influence on our behavior.

What you think directly influences how you feel and how you behave.

For example,

If you think you’re a failure, you will feel like a failure. Then, you’ll act like a failure. Which reinforces your belief that you?must be?a failure.

On the other hand, if you believe that you are capable, competent, and deserving of your dream job... You are far more likely to seek out and notice opportunities that could help you get there.

The world’s most successful people have one thing in common: They’ve mastered the ability to produce the results they desire most. True or false they have trained their psychology and cultivated beliefs that support them and make their lives richer.

Cultivating a belief system that empowers you is vital to the foundation of excellence.

Here are 9 beliefs that can take your leadership from good to great.?

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  1. Everything happens for a reason and purpose, and every happening is here to serve us. Successful people focus on what’s possible in a situation, no matter how much negative feedback they receive. “They believe that adversity contains the seed of an opportunity.”
  2. There is no such thing as failure. There are only results. Failure does not exist for successful leaders. If the outcome wasn’t what they desired, they see it as a learning opportunity.?
  3. Whatever happens, take responsibility. High achievers believe that they create their own world and reality. No matter what be the situation or problem at hand, the greatest leaders have the ability to say, “It’s my responsibility and I’ll take care of it.”
  4. It’s not necessary to understand everything to be able to use everything. There’s a balance between use and knowledge. Extract the essence from a situation, take out what you need, and don’t dwell on the rest. Great leaders don't waste too much time strategising, they take action fast.
  5. People are your greatest resource. Do you respect and appreciate your subordinates/peers? People who produce outstanding results “have a sense of team, a sense of common purpose and unity”.
  6. Work is play. The world’s most remarkable artists, thinkers, and creators found joy in their work. Bill Gates didn’t create Microsoft because he hated software. “The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation.” Do what you have to do until you can find what you would live to do.
  7. There is no abiding success without commitment. If you’re just trying, and not committing, there’s no promise you’ll reach the end. The most successful people, “aren’t necessarily the best and brightest, the fastest or strongest. They’re the ones with the most commitment.”
  8. Change is growth, not pain.?Successful leaders believe in change being inevitable. Although change alone is not where value is created. It comes from the ability to embrace new ideas and new ways of doing business.
  9. Motivation comes from vision, not fear. Successful leaders believe in showing their team a better future and how they will be an important part of it. This motivates employees to work even harder and reassures them that they will have a fair share of future rewards.

The truth is, people are not born with outstanding leadership skills.

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Leadership qualities are like a muscle that need to be strengthened. Everybody has the ability to be a great leader and the potential to lead in any environment.

But the problem is that nobody shows us how to do that.

Nobody trains us to be leaders.

If you want to sustain a great company it's imperative to have a leadership team all on the same page. The general well being of an organisation often depends on a few extraordinary leaders and their nurturing leadership styles.


Email us at [email protected] to learn more about our leadership development programs.

Avinash Raykar

.Net Software Developer

2 年

Yes I got the message, they trap monkey by greed , not let go of small rewards


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