#9 Become the best version of you ??
Monika Susanne N?gele
mona bestAger °Hier und Jetzt ? Inspirierende Begleitung und Veranstaltungen für neue erfüllende Wege ? Hier und Jetzt gestalten wir unsere Zukunft ?
Dear All,
Beside the challenges around Covid, the last month December is always a very busy business time and a yearend rally for closing and clearing to achieve our targets.
?Nevertheless we have as well the festive Advent season which is not only a time of preparation for Christmas eve but as well a time of goodwill, love and well-being.
Last Sunday we have already lighting the first candle which is lit to symbolize hope.
“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope” said Martin Luther King Jr. which is still a very true thought.
Today I would like to thanks a lot for your being here together with an impulse "Verbundenheit" for a joint appreciation and connectivity:
… we are living and working here together …
… together we could make a change on our environments …
… this small sign of appreciation and gratitude shall say to you …
… you are perfect with what you are …
… just this moment should give you hope …
… and put a smile on your face :-)
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