9 Amazing Benefits Of Drinking Alkaline Water.

9 Amazing Benefits Of Drinking Alkaline Water.

You must have heard of Alkaline Water, but most people do not know what is alkaline water and what are the benefits of alkaline water. Lets know and understand.

What is Alkaline Water?

Alkaline water is the water that has a pH value of more than 7. pH is a scale which is used to find out the acidic and basic nature of a solution. pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, where number 7 shows the neutral value ( neither acidic nor basic ). Value of less than 7 at pH scale represents the acidic and value of more than 7 represents the basic nature ( alkaline nature ). Lower the pH value is from 7, the more acidic water is and higher the pH value is from 7, the more alkaline ( basic ) water is. Pure water water has a pH value of 7. Nature of alkaline water is basic which ranges from 7.5 to 9 at pH scale.

If we drink water which has a pH value of less than 7 ( acidic ), it may create health issues for us like osteoporosis. Alkaline Water is good for our health and there are many benefits of alkaline water.

Benefits Of Alkaline Water 

List of the benefits of alkaline water is long. Here we are mentioning most important benefits of alkaline water :

1. Boosts Immunity System : German physiologist Dr. Otto Warburg had said “ No disease including cancer can exist in alkaline environment. ” According to him, we can live healthy for life long, if we make our body alkaline. In 1931, he was awarded the most prestigious Nobel Prize. Alkaline water boosts our immunity miraculously.

There are some heavy acidic elements in our body. To maintain the biological function, our body has to work hard because of those toxic elements. when we drink alkaline water as compared to normal water, it neutralizes the acidic products inside our body and make them soluble and works to get them out of our body.

2. Keeps us Hydrant : We need to be hydrated all the time. In fact, if our body loses 1% of water, it is sufficient to make us dehydrated and fatigued. Molecular size of alkaline water is smaller than normal water and easily absorbed by our body cells. This keeps us hydrant in excess sweating, vomiting, heavy workout, in water fasting etc.

3. Helps in Weight Loss : Alkaline bodies are more efficient in burning fat quicker. For a healthy and fat free body, we should drink alkaline water first thing in the morning.

4. Improves Our Digestive System : Acidity creates hindrance in our normal digestive system. Eating more spicy and oily food, drinking alcohol, over eating, drinking too much soda and soft drinks etc. produce acid in our stomach due to which our digestive System is immediately and badly affected and this may cause problems like burning in the chest and hypertension. Alkaline balances our stomach acid level and relieves us from all these problems.

5. Improves Our Skin Health : Alkaline water takes care of our skin also. Here are the benefits of alkaline water on our skin :

 Alkaline water is full of anti oxidants which prevents the wrinkles and inner lines on our body from coming in prematurely.

 Hydrant body is the prime necessity of a glowing skin. If our body is not hydrant, our skin will look like dull and oily. A young girl of 18 – 20 years old may look like 28 – 30 years old. And we know alkaline water keeps our body hydrant all the time ( see point no 02 ).

 Layers of our skin are acidic in nature. But if they are high acidic then they may invite problems like acne and skin infections. Drinking alkaline water neutralizes the acidity. We may also wash our face to balance the acidic nature of our skin.

6. Improves Our Energy Level :  Our body remains hydrant, if we drink right amount of water. We all know that. But what most of us do not know is alkaline water helps helps in delivering nutrients to the body more efficiently than the tap water or supply water.

7. Strengthens Our Bones : Natural alkaline water has mineral like calcium and magnesium. Both the minerals are necessary for our bones. 

8. Neutralizes Free Radicals : One of the important benefits of alkaline water is that it neutralizes free radicals. Free radicals are toxic elements. They damage our body at the level of cells. They are so dangerous that they can even cause cancer in our body. Antioxidants neutralize them the best. Alkaline water contains all antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. Antioxidants in alkaline water oxidize the free radicals and expel them from our body.

9. Maintains Our Oral Health : Bacteria in our mouth produce acids that causes cavities. Cavity is such a shameful disease that we cannot laugh or talk because of it. Nature of alkaline water is basic. This nature neutralizes the acids produced by bacteria and gives us strong teeth with good smile. Apart from this, Alkaline water also stimulates the production of saliva in our mouth which helps in maintaining good digestive system.

When Not To Drink Alkaline Water?

 While Having Food : When we eat something, our body makes HCL ( Hydrochloric Acid ) is required for digestion process. When we drink alkaline water, it also washes that HCL which does not allow digestion process to happen completely.

 With Medicine : Alkaline water cuts down the process of medicine and does allow the medicine to work properly in our body.

Dear Readers, every bright thing has a dark side too. This is also applicable for alkaline water.There are so many benefits of alkaline water but it also has some side effects.

What Are The Side Effects Of Alkaline Water?

If we consume alkaline water without thinking and wrong way, then it also has some side effects :

 Nausea and Vomiting : Alkaline water has a slightly different taste. So when we consume alkaline water, we can feel like nausea and Vomiting. Those who have travelling sickness, should not drink alkaline water while travelling.

 Slows Down Digestion : First of all, we must understand that we should not drink alkaline water all the day. if we drink a lot of alkaline water, the acids in our stomach will also be neutralized by the alkaline water, ie our stomach will be deficient in acid and we will not be able to digest what we eat. This will slow down the our digestive system.

 Allergy : There are some people who are allergic. They are allergic to even the smallest things. If such people drink alkaline water, then it is possible that their body may also have an allergic reaction.

Is Alkaline Water Good or Not ?

We have read benefits of alkaline water and side effects as well. Research on alkaline water is still underway. You will find some evidences which will tell you the benefits of alkaline water and will recommend you to drink. And at the same time you will also find some research which will tell the drawbacks of alkaline water and recommend not to drink it.

Whatever benefit you have to take from alkaline water, you have to consume it at the right time, in the right amount and in the right way.

How To Prepare Alkaline Water At Home ?

The best and cheapest way of preparing alkaline water is by using lemons. Follow the steps: 

 Fill a pitcher or a bottle with fresh water

Cut a lemon into slices

 Add lemon slices ( with skin ) to the water. Do not squeeze lemon slices.

Add one spoon of salt. This adds more minerals to the water.Cover it properly and leave it overnight or at least for 8 hours.

Now, our alkaline water is ready. Drink a glass of this water in empty stomach and witness the miraculous benefits of alkaline water on your body in a month or two.

Our Words

There are so many researches have done on alkaline water. 70% of those researches recommend us to drink alkaline water. But those have also some guidelines on how to use alkaline water for our benefits. To get the maximum benefits of alkaline water, we must follow those instructions.

We tried to provide as much information as possible through this article. We also believe this small article have solved your queries about Benefits of Alkaline Water. Credit to this article goes to our research and technical team who made this article informative.

Thanks for reading this small article on Benefits of Alkaline Water.

Drink Healthy & Stay Healthy


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