If the 9 to 5 is Ruining Your Life...

If the 9 to 5 is Ruining Your Life...

If you have an entrepreneurial mindset, the 9 to 5 of corporate life can be very difficult.

If you have a desire in your heart and soul to do your own thing and run your own business but are trapped in a corporation, then you are in the same boat that I was in many years ago.

I was trapped in corporations for too long. I know the difficulties and stresses that come with it. However, all my corporate jobs gave me the wisdom, power, energy and experience necessary to succeed in my own business further down the line. I actually thank God for all my experiences in the corporate world. I was able to see what worked and what didn’t, how office politics worked, how to manage teams, all of which are important skills to have when the time comes to fly solo. All the experiences you gain in corporate jobs are an essential part of becoming your own independent business, especially if you’re aiming to have those same corporations as your target market. I’ve been incredibly blessed to work with a range of companies, from start-ups all the way up to big multinationals, with billions of dollars and thousands of people involved. I’ve really seen it all.

From my late-20s to my late-30s, I felt trapped. I thrived in each company that I worked for, but then I’d hit a ceiling and wasn’t able to go any further. It was because I always wanted to do things my way since I knew there was a better, more efficient way to do them. But, sometimes, a corporation grows so big and complicated that it runs a bit slower than you want it to run. There are some deficiencies that are harder to get rid of. I’m sure you know exactly the kind of thing I’m talking about.

The aim of this article series is to show you how to break out of your corporate jail job, how to start your own business, and how to add massive value to the world so that you get massive value in return. I’ll tell you how I was able to thrive in life, starting out with nothing but a family I needed to feed, a big mortgage I needed to pay, and already having been made accustomed to the perks of a big corporate job; big salaries, bonuses, and vacations. My goal is to help you save ten years of your life. It’s to make it possible for you to become successful faster than I was able to. It’s for you to learn from all the mistakes that I’ve made and all the successes I’ve come across, so that your path can be a little less turbulent than my own.

Being an entrepreneur is one of the most rewarding things in life if you have the mentality and attitude for it. If you’re an entrepreneur and it’s not for you, all you’ll do is struggle in life, financially, emotionally, and socially. I hope I’ll inspire you on your path, even if it’s not necessarily starting your own business. You don’t need to be your own boss to add massive value to the world. You can be utilized wherever you are right now, and your skills can be put to use no matter the level you are currently at. However, in my case, it’s always been in my DNA to run on my own, and to be able to generate value, hack life, create an organization where everyone is happy and where everyone wins – not only our employees but our customers as well. This series is going to be filled with experiences, learnings, and references to other books that I used in my life to get to where I am now. I am certain that you will get at least one thing from this material that changes your life forever.

Yours truly,

David Mansilla

Buy the full "Breaking Out of Corporate Jail" book


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