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Katharina Pietschnig
Employee Retention Coach | Business & IT Consultant | Delivering professional fulfillment to Women* in STEM | Mind- and Time-management Trainer | Passionate about Blockchain, Nature, and the Brain
Let's talk rats in a maze, habits and the brain.
| "In Graybiel's experiments, rats learned via specific cues that there was chocolate at one end of a T-shaped maze. While the rats were still learning, their basal ganglia neurons chattered throughout the maze run. That's because in the early stages, the brain seeks out and soaks in information that could prove important." (Source: https://www.cnet.com/science/mit-explains-why-bad-habits-are-hard-to-break/)
Upon learning something new, focus and constraint can feel like being strapped to a chair. Having to figure out something new is very, very uncomfortable. The brain needs a lot of energy because it's soaking up information to create habits that could serve you. It works as intended. It's just uncomfortable.
We readily engage in distractions because they're available, because focusing is uncomfortable and because we'd rather escape that.
In a world with this much external dopamine available (as in, it didn't come from achievement, self-praise and self-validation), such as alcohol, sugar, social media, notifications, etc., it's a steep order to constrain and focus.
And yet: Engaging in that discomfort of heightened brain activity when we learn something new is actually a necessary part of learning. Stop-and-go traffic is a necessary part of learning. The motorway experience - the "flow" doesn't come from the task we do. It comes from our experience with the task.
Most things in life are a skill (I know, mind-blowing, right?!). Since most things in life are skills, they have to be built. Just because the experience is uncomfortable at the beginning doesn't mean it will be that forever - or that you will never experience discomfort again once you've mastered this skill. The only way your life stops being uncomfortable is if you stop growing - and that's really scary.
But if you want the motorway experience around something specific, my suggestion is you:
Want to know more? I help companies retain their employees of all levels by teaching them to manage their minds and their time - your company's two most valuable assets - so your business can replace pressure with precision. Get in touch via linkedin or drop an email at [email protected] to see how we can work together.