8th March
Alina Croitoru - My well travelled notebook with poems

8th March

I love words and language, spoken and unspoken.

I shared so far with very few people that I write, but one of my goals this year is to start publishing more.

Here is one, dedicated to the lives of women that speak to both genders. I say this, because now more than ever, in more rooms, there is high friction between men understanding women and women understanding men.

I entitled it 8th of March, thinking about the history behind. I did not find the time to share it on the exact date, but it's not late.

Hope you enjoy and feel what you need to feel when you read it.

8th of March

In the past, females remained firm and quiet under systematic long-suffering

Until one day, when some decided to speak and stop covering

Because of their trembling voices, we are safe today when we go to march.

Sisters in life

Hoping you are proud

Your sacrifice and risks absorbed

made this day important,

8th of March.

No matter where you are,

Amongst men and women,

Your power is large.

Take yourself to a self-date

Remind yourself your heart has no room for debate

The unpaid work is your heaviest weight

But feminism doesn't mean men-hate

Frustrated? Yes, we all relate.

Our own language, we still have to translate

From all the pain and loud voices,

we opened what was once,

the fastened gate.

Between expectations and social biases,

We have the power to drive our fate

In the middle of chaos, you can still create

In the middle of chaos, a break is still yours to take

Don't give up, it's never too late

to take your life in your hands

Stand up for what's misunderstood.

Women, unrecognised citizens with shame for existing

This is your land as much as it's a man's land

One day, we'll take each-other

hand by hand

One day peace within will expand

And we'll all understand

Only our own life is what is in our command.


