8M is coming: Advances and challenges for women in the legal sector

8M is coming: Advances and challenges for women in the legal sector

by Julia Gil

A few days before the celebration of International Women's Day, better known as 8M, we are facing a date that commemorates and celebrates the rights achieved by women in all areas throughout a history full of struggles and sacrifices. But, can we say that this struggle has come to an end? The answer is clearly no. And this reality is visible even in sectors such as technology. A recent study by Linklaters, The Next 100 Years and She Breaks the Law reveals that despite the fact that women are in the majority in the legal profession, both in law firms and in-house legal departments, they are at risk of falling behind in the access and adoption of artificial intelligence unless urgent action is taken. To learn more about this report and the inequalities they face, don't miss the article written by Iberian Lawyer's editor-in-chief, Ilaria Iaquinta, in the latest issue of our magazine.

?Also, don't miss the interviews with great women in the Iberian sector who inspire young lawyers every day: Marlen Estévez (RocaJunyent), Fátima Correia da Silva (Elementis), Pilar Jaquete (Selier) and Kato Aerst (AIJA).

?At Iberian Lawyer, as every year, we continue to recognize and give visibility to all women in the sector. As it could not be otherwise, this year we celebrate the event Inspiralaw, Diversity and Inclusion 2025, on March 6 at the Palace Hotel in Madrid. During this event, the 50 most inspiring women in the legal sector, both in private practice and in-house lawyers, will be identified.

?After this reminder, which does not even come close to reflecting all the work that remains to be done to end inequalities, we invite you to learn about the most important news from the legal sector that are marking the day:

