“...The Final Twin Thought Theory....”

“...The Final Twin Thought Theory....”

“...Wow, the (Art of Impossible) mark of the beast (Wrecked) it in the ball park like magic. Days pass by and my eyes stay dry, and I think that I'm okay to signal red and imagine dragons to (Hear Me). I’ve got a historical hit-list for the rest above and play-list of followers who can read me, then they can relate from the [13th] Bridge from the sky to the sky...”

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“...From leadership skills, one gotta to love critical characteristics, adore and enable the winning team in the rest of the biblical storyline to decentralize commandments. Which I believe it’s been established in the (Art of Impossible) in the morning of (9:11)...”

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“...Bring em all in (Prioritize, Execute and Imagine) a Ballast Sculpin IPA Craft Brewing beer and a coin spin from San Diego, California...”
—from the unknown

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“...they can leave, now it's their choice. Maybe if I fall asleep, I can breathe Wright. Maybe I said it before, I won't say it again. Love and the (Art of War) is a game. Maybe if I fall asleep, I will think Wright. Can nobody hear me? I've got a lot that's on my mind. I can breathe and read active t-shirts alright...”

“...In the memory of protective (Warriors) sacrificing for freedom that is not free...”
—quote by unknown

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“...As a creative writer I would time travel, wait and observe from far away but I always knew that I have to conjure the work while the other teams all play when I’m wide awake morning and night to calculate schemes of all the things in theory at (11:11)...”

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”...Realizing it is a coin toss alone to accept all challenges involved with writing. Forever shall I strive to maintain the tremendous reputation of those who military spun before Christ. Exceeding beyond the limitations and it shall be a goal...”

"...Fight as you train, train as you fight for your (Personal Jesus)..."
—quote by unknown

“...God Bless the USA Today to the completion of a mission, in this case it shall be a coin toss of mental attitude, and high ethics conquering all obstacles, both large and small, I shall never quit to overcome, to adapt and to do (Whatever Its Takes) to complete a storyline in the (Field of Dreams), as in all cropped circles on Earth. I shall be professional with pride, integrity, and teamwork. Never, ever shall I forget the principles of the Art of Memories, Honor, Perseverance, Spirit and Heart. I can read and Wright and imagine dragons...”

“...to be Swift, Silent and radioactively Lethal (Warriors)...
—quote by unknown

“...Here they are. They are the warriors that built a one of a kind unit. Here they are, they won’t turn away Wright now. They are the warriors that built many towns from the 7...7...seven seas. From ashes to ashes and dust to dust. I have hope and faith they will rise above the best of the best and prove themselves, their spirit never dies. As a result, I might believe in the impossible, up close and radioactive. Something extraterrestrial to hear prayers. Something that cares. A personal Jesus from the unknown...”

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”...Flesh and bone by the telephone to lift up the receiver and as one active team made a reconnaissance believer out of me...”

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“...I wonder if the stargazers can hear, signal and time travel back to the 1970s when magic was having a hell of a day...”

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”...I’m familiar with the formula that looks and feels like magic and now I know better. I found my twin in conversations fading away into the impossible. One way or another our thought experiments never left. I remember the way the ghost brothers smile, the way they walk, the time they took to teach me all that they had taught. I ask myself, how am I supposed to move on without them? These days I'm becoming everything that that’s been dreamt of in theory. Wishing other stargazers were around but now it's too late. One way or a another my ideas has left me in a well played game story that I don’t want to wake up to...”

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“...They say that the time will heal a dream, the pain will go away. But everything in theory, it reminds me of my (Footprints in the Sand) in San Diego and it comes in waves...”

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”...The way y’all laugh when our shoulders shook, the time y’all took to teach me all that y’all had taught. Tell me in my sleep, how am I supposed to be (Cutthroat)? I’ll always Imagine dragons and (Follow You) guys in the end game but y’all know I’m with the winning team Wright. I'm always cheering the winning team and I got everyone’s back alright even after taking in those losses in today’s game story...”

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“...I wanted to put San Diego in the spotlight. If the world would only know what’s been holding back my Voynich thought experiments...”

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“...Here's to all the late night extraterrestrial phone calls that y’all picked up from (666) light years away. Here's to all the bad decisions that stargazers didn't judge from (777) light years away in living color. Imagine dragons towering (Thunder) of clouds spawning devilishly red clouds...”

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“...Here’s to all the bootleg Earth, Wind and Fire and all the 'love you's and the 'sacred knowledge' and the secrets that the ghost brothers told me in my sleep. Here’s to everyone but mostly all of us...”

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“...There's a toss up over 8...8...eight billion people in the world and a million other places I could be with a protective team but other stargazers are there somewhere near the Lone Star Circle...”

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“...I try to take a moment time traveling and just to take it all in. Cause every high and every low led to this Star-Park circle. I'm just so glad shooting stars exist in my storyline (Once Upon a Number) on a pacific beach...”

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“...Hey, look what a hello from a stranger turned into. Caught up in a moment like it's just starlights in this room. All the Wright words at the Wright time and the stargazers know 'em 'cause they know me better than anyone else. I won’t ever let go and I hope the stargazers don’t ever let me go. There's over eight...eight...8 billion people in the world and a million other places we all could be, but I think the stargazers are here with me with (All the Wright Moves)...”

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“...I try to take a moment just to take it all in. Cause every (High Hopes) and every vantage point up to this timeline. I'm just so glad shooting for the stars exist in my game story with all the right friends in all the Wright places...

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”...So yeah, I remember goin' down the (Highway to Hell). I hoped the guardians resurrected with all the Wright moves in all the right places. Let's paint the picture of the perfect constellation coordinates [35°12′11″N 101°6′24″W]...”

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“...There will be a King of Hearts or others the Queen of Spades. I remember they will fight like they are soldiers. I know we got it good, but they got it made reading the USA Today and the New York Times. And their grass is getting greener each day. I know things are looking up, but soon we will take them down before anybody's knowin' about a (Preacher) contesting (Holy Water) with the punisher of evil tested near holy sites guarding travelers...”

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“...When I was a kid. I used to dream, create and visualize gravity. I knew how to time travel and I could observe and report. I watched active sleeper cells break every window listening to (Radioactive) music when I was only a singularity cell. The [13] years scarred and I'd hear the same radioactive music in my mind with the (Angel on the Moon), to chase the devil at the night. When they was a kid. The grandfather clock was a preacher of old timers. He talk about the Gods...”

”...Yeah they were something like a teacher, Psalms Up...”
—quote by unknown

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”...The stargazers said, " They only helps those who learn to help themselves"...”
—quote by unknown

“...I took a little faith and reading reports about a strange town of the have and have nots. I walked through a storybook life looking to seal a deal near a Great Wall...”

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“...Wave, [Check], put your hands up...”

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“...or [Check], signal hands down...”

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“...Wave, [Check], put your hands up...”

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“...or [Check], signal hands down...”

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“...Wave, [Check] and wherever the resurrection is, I hope their Christ puts his or her hands up...”

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”...or [Check], signal hands down to the project of books and (A Mathematician Reading a Newspaper) upgrading an Artificial Intelligence program to the (Art of Memory)...”

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“...I wonder how other authors will revise their thoughts about a magical coin toss spinning to (God Bless America) from the lakes of the Twin cities to the haunted hills of Tennessee across the plains back to Texas...”

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“...From sea to shining seal. From Houston down to Detroit and New York to L.A. Well, there's pride in every American heart, and it's time to travel and make a wish (11:11)...”

“...Wright or Left it's time we stand and say the Washington Post or read the New York Times but God Bless the USA Today...”
—quote by unknown

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“...And I won't forget the men and women who died. Who gave that right to me to write up this active section?which does not need additional verification.?I know it’s the Wright timeline to signal extraterrestrial aerial phenomenons...”

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“...Oh Hell Yeah, I hope that there'll be better days. Oh, that sunshine 'bout to come on the (Highway to Hell). May other sleeping cells never ever shed another tear for today. I hope that there'll be better days after waking up in California after my mind, body, soul and spirit reincarnate up in the (West Coast). But these clouds, they won't go away. Every day is like another sh*t storm at (11:11)...”

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”...I'm just tryin' to imagine dragons. Yeah, in a city's shinin' so bright...”

“...May we never ever shed another tear reading about the USA today. Cause, Wow, I know that there'll be (Better Days)...”
—quote by unknown

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”...So many zero dark knights, so many better days, every time I close my eyes and I say...”

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“...Other dream teams have been waking up to a new Church...”

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”...but I got the [Wow] signal from millions of light years away...”

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“...We’ve been waking up with a new year. But I know it'll wash away. (Whatever It Takes), don't worry 'bout me. I'm thinkin' bout you guys, don't worry 'bout us...”

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“...Cause in (11:11) at night, everything can change with a coin toss to [The Next God Equation] cause there's pieces of artifacts I had to find and others relics were gifted. When I time travel in my sleep, I imagine it would be the Holy Grail of physics. A single formula to a spooky quantum entanglement with the (Hippies and Cowboys). Equations that would deprive all other equations starting with a (What You See is What You Get). I'm an easy read but I ain't no open book, I got the knack for making complex situations more difficult than they look in the final theory...”

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“...It was a breathtaking vision as I read the New York Times newspaper announcement staying ground with the Unified Aerial Phenomenons. I guess, be careful what you wish for is all I meant to one author to another...”

"...What you see is what you get with me. I ain't got no magic tricks up these sleeves...”
—quote by unknown

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“...It’s an acquired taste, a constant work in progress. I'm a straight shootin, beer drinkin', rules of engagement breakin'. I don’t think I would take a good thing too far as I came across a challenge since I was a clandestine cell. It was an unforgettable unified field theory inked in the newspaper with an einsteinium dream...”

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“...But hell I do the best to read the mind of the Gods. I can try to communicate the unfinished twin theory and the theory of everything in nature’s law and even check the minds of a God theory from NASAs point of view of a blackout [88] million light years away...”

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“...(Burn, Burn, Burn)...they don't have to worry about nothing cause we got the fire, and it is burning one hell of a something. They gonna see us from outer space...”

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”...Light it up, like we're the stargazer of the human race. When the lights started out, they don't know what’s the next hot spot. Strike the match sixty-six...6 million km high and 13 million times the energy, mass and the speed of light faster than the Sun...”

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”...play it loud, beckoning a wake up call. We'll be raising our hands, shining up to the sky. Cause we got the fire, fire, fire. Hell yeah, historically, the last equation is a scoreboard, by dividing a Blackhole. Earth may have gone past the point of no return with the Corona change amid claims. However, the quantum leap year of (2020) passed through the wormhole like flying colors of the red, white and blue. Tipping the break points after [13] Hours on Earth as witness report records numbers of extraterrestrial hot spots...”

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“...We don't want to leave, We just wanna be Wright now. Wright, ri-ri-right now and (What You See is What You Get). What we see is everybody's active downrange acting crazy, getting loco till the lights go out. Radioactive music's on, I'm waking up. We start the fire, then we burn it up and it's over now, we got the love. There's no sleeping now for other active readers, and imaginative authors as of yesterday at (9:11)....”

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“...Today at (11:11) at least I'm honest...”

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“...Hell Yeah, messiahs are set in radioactive music, newspaper syndicates relatively corresponding and the question of influential books being checked out. It’s like a musical score that unfold the World into sound, it’s a work of art (Life After You guys). (66) million light years away from town and the Holy Grail and I just teleported down in Coronado, San Diego spittin' out smoke on the Wright side of the road...”

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“...I'm out here tryin' link in I was wright but you guys already know. Believe me I won't stop at nothin to see you guys after is a life full of laughter. As long as I'm laughin' with you guys. I'm thinkin' that all that still matters is love after the Question...”

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“...I imagine creative spirits have found inspiration in thought experiments and other creators figure out the storyline but I’ll admit from (88) light years away I don't spin a coin like a record...”

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“...I ain't acting like I'm better than others. I guess, be careful what you guys wish for in your sleep when I (Call Your Name). It’s a complicated situations but the makings of all that's wrong turned out to be Wright and I've been in the river of deliverance way too long. There’s gotta be a better way for me to say go (Back in Time)...”

”...followers are not to be challenged as of (February 2, 2012) and I hope other authors will learn how and when to [Check] this knight template message with the (Stuff of Legends)...”
—quote by unknown

“...Whoa, whoa, going back in time. Some guys knew how to start a fire and didn't need gasoline...”

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“...It never took no Timelines at all to see that the Terms of Art doesn’t fall too far from the tree with the King of Beers as I was remembering the radioactive Notes in (God’s Country)...”

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?“...I remembered traveling to the light in the sunrise sittin' back drinking holy water and 'shining with the war dogs', saved by heaven sounds whistled in the wind that'll get hell bound with teams that went down to Vegas but they didn't stick around in God's country (yeah 11:11)...”

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“...In theory relativity and an anonymous sealed in Timeline. They are focused on the Terms of Arts and events communicated in written Notes that was pure magic as mentioned briefly in Recommended Reading this User’s Manual...”

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“...There’s also other manuscripts but I’m observing that followers in many networks already knew that I never had to shake a Newton tree. The door was always open as I time travel to days on a wicked timeline. How I crunched in consciousness numbers and spent [13] hours reading out at the walls of a new project of books as I imagine the next thought experiment about every mermaid’s voice to return...”

“...Wherever you guys are is anybody's guess for Wright now but it will get (Better in Time)...”
—quote by unknown

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“...It'll all get better in time but I couldn't turn on the TV without something there to remind me to just put aside feelings. If I'm dreaming I don't wanna wake up. It doesn’t hurt my feelings but that's the path I believe in and I know that a timeline will heal it. If love is a (Battlefield) then I'm gonna be [OK]...”

“...in the Art of War within an anonymous network. I never agreed to use guns or a knife, but to bring a book into a battlefield...”
—quote by unknown

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“...One sleeper word turns into a war and it is the smallest things that quakes up a foundation. I'm out here without a shield; I can time travel back now because both hands tied behind my back with nothing. Oh no, these timelines I travel so fast to fall again. Why we gotta fall for it now. I meant to start a war and I know what people are fighting for. I guess they better get their armor. Every stargazers knows why wishes always feel like a (Battlefield)...”

“...but the stargazers, they see and observe. They are loyal to no one until one radioactive sleeper signal a wished upon to them in their sleep (Whatever It Takes)...”
—quote by unknown

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“...People say wishes comes and goes, but they don't understand what they don't know cause, what I feel starts deeper than dark matter and inside it’s planted like a seed that springs into a resurrection. Whatever it takes in life...”

“...Who would I have to inspire without the written inspiration of angels and demons using poetic radioactive music?...”
—quote by unknown

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“...Whatever it takes I will close my eyes and try to wake up a team of stargazers tomorrow and they know why. There's no standing in the way of others who are (Lost and Found)...”
—quote by unknown

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“...Just a song I woke up to at (9:11) with a constellations of wishes with a sky full of stargazers that seem so out of line (11:11)...”

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“...Stop and Stare how the U.S. Navy Seals time travel from 888 light years away and lead the way to win in a book battle...”

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“...part [One] guns and the four horsemen reading active manuscripts winning the war from within with no bad teams but with only complicated messiahs...”

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“...The radioactive signal of celestial cells shall hear page [666]. Believe and check the ego of the new (Warriors)...”
—quote by unknown

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“...Now I was being told of a team of friends, brothers andsisters in highly trained complex situations have gone to take the throne above. But don't weep for them because this will be the labor of Warriors...”
—quote by unknown

“...Calling one unit of warriors is insidious, magical or protective but I still wonder what's in the name behind a team. I think it's all the same and no one's ever gonna take a side of the story. They’re interesting, legendary and I got them in mind. I’m not gonna leave their demons behind but it’s Wright to let them signal their anointed disciple on Page [777]...”

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“...It is critical that leaders and other teams to break bread with the third eye. I hope they receive the sight of lame equations and understand the sacred knowledge I learned from a team of ghost brothers...”
—quote by unknown

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“...The fallen stars have risen and preached the signs of new messiahs somewhere on Earth on Sea, Air Land, and Sleep...”
—quote by unknown

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“...Wow, imagine the timeline that (Texas) got the living shitsberg kick out of the field of dreams. For the chosen few will help heal the wounded, resuscitate the dead and bring good news to poor losers in Texas...”
—unknown time traveler

“...Typically the heavens give some hell on Earth and subjective stargazers will listen and read what takes place in the faithful days between Sunday Funday, July 18th and Friday, August 13th...”

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“...Within days away from (September) highlights it’s been a wicked season from the lone star state of Texas, city to city with [13] identified aerial phenomenon trucks...”

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“...How the time passed away, all the trouble that they gave and all those days spent out by the Red Sea. Has it all gone to waste? All the wishes and promises made...”

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“...One by one granted wishes and promises vanish just the same...”

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”...The star cluster of?Messier [88] is best observed around August. One active team heard that song on the radio and it got their gears turnin' like a real life time machine...”

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”...Of all the things I still remember, summer's never looked the same. The years go by and time traveling just seems to fly by but the September memories remain...”

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“...They were there in the front seat with the windows down and they were burnin for the rescue leading up and down range to the chain of command. It was just like a movie scene in sustaining victory in the middle of the summer of questions and reporting answers. I imagine a radioactive team to successfully play out in the field of crop circles with nothing to lose, but everything to gain in principle for the rest of the world on page [13]...”

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“...This is the greatest leadership, inspirational life changing manuscript ever created in extreme ownership with gravitational results...”
—quote by unknown

“...One protege team with the first responders utilized the extraterrestrial ownership...”

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“...In theory, the (11:11) dream of the Holy Grail myth and I reflect Wright now on how things could've been but the thought experiment was worth it in the end of (9:11)...”

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“...it’s about (11:11) and the sun's 'solar twin had been discovered nearby Texas preoccupied in quantum doses of mimosas. The stargazer may be just over 666 million-years-old but it looks like a young version of the other twin sun. Apparently it could shed light from a distance life with Radioactive music sounds of Earth (Dark Was the Night)…”

“...If I can't see the sun, maybe I should go to sleep. Don't wake me 'cause I'm dreaming with angels on the moon. Where everyone knows they never leave Blind Willie Johnson behind in a field of crop circles...”
—quote by unknown

“…I imagine a global mathematical theory of interstellar magnetism. With One time traveler radioactive at a time table spinning a coin (far Wright) with the angels on the moon and One radioactive time traveler (far Left Spin) dark was the night. Launching a supernova catastrophic deal along with an active field of enlightening lines specified by Radioactive music from one Twin Sun to another Twin Sun…”

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“...The twins spun the whole summer long communicating and chasing dreams in a fast time machine (11:11)...”

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“...No way extreme ownership could go Wright when it all felt so wrong as one sun became a real life California queen abducted into a love story while others solve world problems and get active teams back on track. Though not every wish or thought experiment turned out to be a good one but it was the thought that counts afterword...”

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“...I need disciplined active guardians to help lead and win the Next Holy Grail Theory and I’m waiting for Radioactive music (Louder than Ever)...”
—quote by unknown

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