86,400 Seconds
Since a day has only 86,400 seconds and you can’t store those seconds on a shelf, it is imperative that you treasure every one of them. Some of those seconds are used for sleeping which is a very important activity, some for family, another significant action. Many of those precious seconds are used to earn you a living or a livelihood. Since they cannot be replaced you must use them wisely.
In this blog, I will focus on your income-producing seconds.
One of those most important acts you can do each day is prioritize your daily activities. What is most important to do each day should be number one, then go down and list numbers two, three, etc. If you just took five or ten minutes each day to plan, you save time by not moving capriciously through your day.
Another waste of time takes place when you receive an incoming call and that person is placed On-Hold. Having a radio playing, a series of beeps, or silence, wastes both your caller’s time as well as yours. You have the perfect environment to inform, entertain and keep your marketing and branding message ongoing with a custom On-Hold message from HoldMasters, The On-Hold Message System.
Since 1987 HoldMasters has been helping both Fortune 500 companies, mom and pop businesses, and home based businesses, maintain both their marketing and branding messages to their clients and prospects, around the nation. On-Hold messages can both up-sell and cross-sell your present clients to enable them to increase their ROI. A custom On-Hold-Message makes a small business sound big and a big business sound friendly.
Let HoldMasters help you when your business is on the line.