8.4 million children. One of them could be our own.
UNICEF Photo Of The Week.
Can't help but cry seeing this pic.
These 2 innocent kids will be 14 and 13 in 10 years from today. What answer will we give them then? Will we still call them refugees as they stand in endless food lines? I pray that we don't. I am hopeful that we can enable a normal life that every child deserves. We have an opportunity / obligation to make a difference. A difference that will allow Esraa and Waleed to study, smile, play, eat, sleep and dream about the awesome possibilities that life holds for them.
They have already seen too much hate, hunger, violence and anger and they are only 4 and 3 years old. Think about the Esraas and Waleeds in your own life !
Let's make a difference.
Let's open our hearts and arms with love and compassion so that these kids have a true future. A future where they have an identity. An identity that gives them freedom and hopes and dreams.
Because if we don't then ISIS or Al-Shabaab or Boko-Haram will.........
Then it will be too late. For all of us.
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-----------------------------UNICEF PHOTO OF THE WEEK--------------------------
Syrian Arab Republic, 2015: (Left) Esraa, 4, and her brother, Waleed, 3, near a shelter for internally displaced persons, in the city of Aleppo. An estimated 3.7 million Syrian children, or 1 in 3, have been born into a life shaped by violence, fear and displacement since the start of the conflict in their homeland – which has now hit the five-year mark. Some 8.4 million children – either in the country or living as refugees in neighbouring countries – are now affected.
-----------------------------UNICEF PHOTO OF THE WEEK--------------------------