#84 Stand Out from Your Competitors: 7 Proven Strategies for Coaches in 2024

#84 Stand Out from Your Competitors: 7 Proven Strategies for Coaches in 2024

In today's crowded coaching industry, standing out from your competitors isn't just an option – it's a necessity. As we navigate through 2024, the ability to differentiate yourself and build a unique, memorable brand is crucial for transforming your coaching business into a profitable venture.

If you're thinking, "I'm not up for rising above the competition," think again! You're here because you're ready for the challenge, and I'm here to help you solve this problem.

By the end of this article, you'll have a clear roadmap of how to differentiate yourself and stand out in this busy marketplace. Let's dive into seven proven strategies for coaches to stand out and make their mark in 2024.

1. Be Authentically You

The first and perhaps most powerful strategy for coaches to stand out is simply being yourself. Share your journey and your stories – these are unique to you and serve as your biggest differentiator. It's a common misconception that people aren't interested in what you're up to, but that couldn't be further from the truth. I know I love hearing people's stories, and I'm sure you do too. It's human nature!

People are intrigued by backstories and personal experiences. Don't shy away from bringing your entire background into your coaching business. For example, one of my clients who used to be a young director struggling with managing a large team, now helps other young managers navigate similar challenges. There are always clues in your journey that you can incorporate into your business.

Remember, personal stories resonate with people. That's what they want – authenticity and relatability.

2. Solve Real Problems


While it's important for your audience to know who you are, they also want to know what you can do for them. Always keep in mind: What's in it for them? How can you add value?

As coaches, we often focus on aspects at the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs – self-actualisation, reflection, vision. However, most people are grappling with basic needs like paying bills and managing their time. While it's great to incorporate higher-level concepts, don't forget to address the real-world problems your ideal clients face daily. The more specific your solution, the better.

Instead of broad topics like 'leadership', consider narrowing it down to something like 'helping introverts speak up in meetings'. Think about how you can solve very specific problems that make people think, "Yes, that's my problem right now, and I want to pay to solve it."

3. Build a Memorable Personal Brand

Building a memorable personal brand is crucial for coaches to stand out. The best way you can achieve this is through authenticity, which fosters loyalty. People need to know, like and trust you before they'll buy from you.

Dive deep into what you stand for and why you're passionate about it. What's your mission? Incorporate these elements into everything you do in your business. Your unique perspective and values will help you stand out in a crowded market.

4. Provide Excellent Service


Providing top-notch service is a sure fire strategy for coaches to stand out. Think about how you can gain case studies and testimonials by going above and beyond for your clients.

Here are some innovative ways to provide excellent service:

Service Idea | Description

  • Small Group Accelerator | Offer a 4-week programme with no more than 5 people for personalised attention
  • Unlimited Laser Coaching | Provide unlimited 15-minute coaching sessions, bookable after completing previous actions
  • Voice Note Coaching | Offer quick, accessible coaching via voice notes
  • Deliberate Over-Delivery | Purposefully make a small mistake (like a hotel owner leaving a small item out of a hotel room) to create an opportunity to delight the client when you go above and beyond to fix things

Remember, delighting your clients not only helps you stand out but also leads to glowing testimonials and repeat business.

5. Showcase Customer Studies and Testimonials


Your clients' words carry far more weight than your own when it comes to marketing. Don't obsess about your marketing – obsess about client results and testimonials. Leverage these as much as possible to let your satisfied clients do the talking for you.

Make sure to prominently feature case studies and testimonials on your website, social media, and marketing materials. This social proof can be a powerful differentiator in a crowded coaching market.

6. Build a Tight-Knit Community

Building a community can be at the heart of your brand, even if you primarily offer one-to-one coaching. Think about how you can create a movement or a sense of belonging among your clients and followers.

Consider these ideas:

  • Host a regular live show that people look forward to attending
  • Create a private Facebook group or use community-building apps like Skool
  • Use email marketing to bring people into your world and invite them into your community
  • Position your email list as a community, i.e. "Join these 1,032 people in my email community"

By fostering a sense of community, you create a unique value proposition that sets you apart from other coaches.

7. Show Up and Be Seen

Finally, to stand out as a coach, you need to be discoverable. This might mean showing up online, appearing on podcasts, or finding other ways to increase your visibility.

Your ultimate goal should be to become omnipresent in your niche. You want people to say, "Everywhere I look, there you are!" This might seem daunting at first but, as you create content and learn to leverage and repurpose it, you'll find ways to increase your visibility both online and offline.


Standing out from your competitors as a coach in 2024 is not just possible – it's essential. By implementing these seven strategies for coaches to stand out, you can differentiate yourself and build a thriving coaching business.

Remember, what makes you unique is your greatest asset. Embrace your individuality, focus on solving specific problems, and consistently show up for your audience. By doing so, you'll not only stand out from the competition but also create a coaching business that truly resonates with your ideal clients.


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