81.03% of Americans are in despair.
Poverty and Homelessness can be overcome, I know, I am inside this tornado, and I can see a way forward, and it's rooted in the physical world with an AI overlay - its a bold vision.
Forget worrying about living paycheck to paycheck, at least your cash continues to flow. Start worrying about a new class of lost unrealized human potential emerging. This emergent class of American's is growing at an alarming rate and with no end in sight.
Consider how at the beginning of the pandemic and lockdowns, we learned there were only two kinds of Americans - Essential and Non-Essential. What a way to look at people, you either matter or you don't. This line of thinking really divided us into those who "they" deemed essential and everyone else not so much, and what's even more sick, is that our employers and churches towed the line by shutting down, when in reality, they should have stood up for their employees and congregations.
As 2023 continues to unravel we are seeing rises in:
Poverty, Homelessness, Addiction and Abuse, Mental Health, Crime and Incarceration, Veteran Suicides, @Risk Youth destruction, culture wars that are reeking havoc on our communities and our societal safety nets have fallen.
We are now firming in the era of the Big! Big Government. Big Pharma. Big Banks, Big Business. We are the land of Too Big to Fail. As the big only gets bigger, they are tossing aside a tremendous amount of human capital, just look at what M&A leaves behind in its wake. Thousands upon thousands of people lose their jobs through no fault of their own, left to pick up the pieces of a shattered career.
So, where do these newly non-essentials go? Seems like they have two options, return to being Essential, or lose hope and slide into the Non-Essential community. And when this happens, it's only a matter of time and circumstance before you join the 268M Americans in a new emergent community of "Under-Performing Class of Prosperity".
This growing class of Americans is putting extreme pressure on our rural communities and their ability to cope, let alone find victory over. They are ill equipped to manage this onslaught that is showing up in their communities tapping into already stressed out services not designed to meet this scale of need.
I have a few ideas as to how we can tame this beast and put its genie back in its bottle. Love any thoughts on the enclosed deck.
How do you pay for something like this, you ask? I say, if we have money to spend, starting wars, we still have enough money. If we have enough money to send to corrupt foreign countries, we still have enough money. If we have enough money to lie to the American people, we still have enough money.
I argue that social safety networks and digital technology have failed to meet our needs. To understand what I mean, look at the deck and let me know where I am missing the mark.
Prosperity Place: One Place. One Life at a Time.
Solve this problem and you return $7.3T to the American GDP, do that, and we just wrote a new chapter in this experiment we call America.