8.1 Review the effectiveness of own practice in planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning, taking account of the views of lea
Teacher of Teachers (15 years) , Mentor and Advisor to SLT (20 Years), Head of Recruitment, MA in Education and Digital Technologies (with merit), BA Hons, PGCE, IQA (Lead IQA), TAQA, C&G 7307, Cambridge 118 CGLI
8.1 Review the effectiveness of own practice in planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning, taking account of the views of learners and others
This is a great criterion to engage with for new teachers as it forms a part of a teachers CPD as it can show any gaps in the teachers practice and allows them to liaise with SLT to gain the training and sign up for any courses that can help them develop their skills further if required. It also allows them to engage in the quality control process for the first time and start to reflect on feedback from others such as line managers in SLT's and also from their own learners as to how they are performing. This review can also start to prepare new teachers for further external quality inspections and allow them to reflect on that particular future process.