8020Care - "Lite" Chronic Care Management (LCCM)
Kent Dicks
Chairman & CEO Award Winning Life365 / LifeConnect | Major US Patents - Wearables, Med Devices, AI / ML, Implantables | Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare | Digital Health | New Normal Podcast | Industry Councils | Investor
I am currently incubating a new idea for a new company that rollups the best and the brightest in the industry and creates a model where 80% of the benefit in treating a patient comes for 20% of the effort or expense.
eHealth Initiative is having a contest (iThrive Innovation Challenge) on some of the best Incubation ideas in healthcare. Please do me a favor and follow the link below to view and vote on the 8020Care concept.
You need to log into the eHealth Initiatives website and register first:
Then after you register and signin you can vote “LIKE” the 8020Care - “Lite” Chronic Care Management (LCCM) idea.
We have 5 days left to vote.
Thanks for all of your support.