80 Level Weekly Newsletter (May 13 – May 19)
Blender Has Released Extensions Platform In Beta
From Blender 4.2 onwards, most of the add-ons that were shipped with Blender will be replaced by the Extensions platform, now available in beta.
Details: https://80.lv/articles/blender-has-released-extensions-platform-in-beta/?utm_source=li-newsletter
Substance 3D Painter Now Supports Illustrator Files & System Fonts
With the latest major release of Substance 3D Painter, you can now work with text right inside the software, drag and drop Illustrator files with artboards, and browse Substance 3D Assets library within 3D Painter.
Uniform, a Modeling & Texturing App for iPad, Has Been Released
CozyBlanket developer Sparseal has launched Uniform, a brand-new 2D/3D modeling, texturing, and rendering app for iPad.
Here's what it can do: https://80.lv/articles/uniform-a-modeling-texturing-app-for-ipad-has-been-released/?utm_source=li-newsletter
Create Watercolor Renders in 3D With Gaku Tada's New Blender Add-on
Check out Deep Paint, Gaku Tada's newly released Blender add-on for creating watercolor-style 3D renders with Grease Pencil.
Featuring new brushes, a stroke-to-3D-mesh tool, and more: https://80.lv/articles/create-watercolor-renders-in-3d-with-gaku-tada-s-new-blender-add-on/?utm_source=li-newsletter
Check Out This Natural Skirt Bone Configuration In Maya's Bifrost
3D Artist Hiroyuki Akasaki once again surprised us with their skills, showcasing an impressive natural skirt/curtain rig made with Maya's Bifrost plug-in.
Outstanding Angel Wings Dissipation Effect in Unity
VFX Artist Sakura Rabbit showcased a marvelous real-time angel wings dissipation effect made using Unity.
See more of Sakura's latest masterpieces: https://80.lv/articles/outstanding-angel-wings-dissipation-effect-in-unity/?utm_source=li-newsletter
How to Create a Nostalgic and Melancholic Apartment Scene in UE5
Yaroslav Paslavskiy Danko shared a breakdown of the Eastern Europe Building: Echoes of Decay project, discussing finding the balance between realism and coherence in Unreal Engine 5.
Learn To Create A Realistic Female Portrait With Maya & 3D Painter
3D Artist Vladimir Minguillo has shared with us the creation process behind the Evelina Lauren 3D portrait made with Maya, XGen, and Substance 3D Painter, and talked about the challenges of achieving realism in women's portraits.
Full breakdown here: https://80.lv/articles/learn-to-create-a-realistic-female-portrait-with-maya-3d-painter/?utm_source=li-newsletter
How to Make Water Shader for Suzume-Inspired Environment
Gleb Ziuzin shared a breakdown of the Mythical Door project inspired by Suzume, showing how he set up a water shader and explaining the texturing algorithm that helps him achieve more organic materials.
Read the breakdown: https://80.lv/articles/how-to-make-water-shader-for-suzume-inspired-environment/?utm_source=li-newsletter