80 Annoying Things You and Your Peers Often Say
Well I'm sure there are many more ..but here 80 annoying things that people say in offices and probably I do it too :/
- “It is what it is.” (It is annoying)
- “I personally feel.” (redundant, redundant)
- “You need to be more passionate.” (You can’t make people feel passionate)
- The word “social” as a noun, as in, “Acme does social really well.” (Being social means having friends, not selling product.)
- “I’m passionate about _________.” (Really? Well lucky you. Guess what? I work for a living! )
- “I’m a ____________ junkie.” (Since when is addiction a virtue?)
- “I’m just doing what I’m doing.” (Redundancy will be the death of me.)
- “We need to own social media.” (Um, the public owns social media. What you really mean is you need to tie your social media efforts to a bottom line, be it financial, social good or reputation.)
- Curation
- News-jacking
- When young people say “Well in the old days…” (Really? You’ve been around for 20-something years. The “old days” for you consisted of an era before social networking boomed and boy bands were the hot topic.)
- Guru
- “Hit the ground running”
- “Going forward” (Meaning “from now on” as if you could also dictate past behavior)
- “No offense” (Which means “I am about to offend you.”)
- “I’m confused” (Which means “You’re confused and I am going to set you straight.”)
- Ideation
- “Circle back” (Which means to bring your Conestoga wagon back into a circle.)
- Thought leadership
- “True that.”
- “With all due respect…” (Hearing that phrase, buckle-up: The words that follow will certainly bear no relation to “respect” or any recognized synonym.)
- “At any rate:” (It is so seldom used in connection with a literal rate of any sort.)
- “Game on.”
- Winning
- “To make a long story short” (already makes your story six words longer.)
- Meh (Thank you for your in-depth contribution to the conversation that really helps us solve the problem. Now, please, get back to your texting.)
- “I don’t hate that idea.” (Otherwise known as “let’s think about that more.”)
- “We want to be in high-profile media” (…said everyone on earth that wants to be in any)
- “How should we spin this?”
- “We need to be strategic.” (“Strategy” and “strategic” are so overused; no one explains what they mean by this, what the plan of action is or the tactics we’ll use to achieve the goal.)
- “Let’s take a step back.” (It’s an early indicator that you are dealing with a conservative organization where innovation is outside their comfort zone.)
- “Let’s not re-invent the wheel…”
- “Value proposition”
- “Let’s get out in front of it…”
- “Where the rubber meets the road…”
- Game time
- Irregardless
- Anyways
- Frankly …
- Honestly …
- Don’t take this the wrong way/personally …
- Incentivize
- Ideate
- “Out-of-the-box thinking”
- “If you will”
- Arrrrrrggggggg!
- Open the kimono (creepy)
- Drink the Kool-Aid
- Move the needle
- Let’s talk offline
- Boil the ocean
- Awesome
- Ramp up. Tee up. Synch up. (Throw up.)
- Push back
- Thought starter
- Scalable
- Factoids
- Synergy
- Run it up the flagpole and see how it flies.
- Skin in the game
- Ping
- Bandwidth
- Hard stop
- “Let’s flesh/flush this out.” I’ve heard it both ways, and both make me cringe.
- “Perfect!” (Used in response to a question answered, such as “Would you like to see the wine list?”)
- “We have a horse in this race.” (Less painful than one’s own skin the game, but same principle.)
- “Under the radar” (I understand the need for stealth at times, but it can cause mid-air collision?)
- “We will be ramping up soon, so be ready!”
- Kill two birds with one stone (poor birds)
- Self-starter
- 24/7
- Bada-bing!
- Leverage
- Give 110% (What is wrong with your math?)
- Win-win
- Net-net
- My bad
- “In the weeds.”
- “Put on your big girl panties.”
- I also think way too many trains have left the station and never mind how many people have been thrown under the bus.
- Utilizing
- “Transparency” (Those who use this term are anything but transparent.)
83. “Balls to the walls.”
Photo Credit engin akyurt on Unsplash