8 Work Hacks To Make You More Productive
Let these work hacks serve as simple reminders of things you can do to stay productive and efficient at work. Many of these hacks don't directly help you with your day-to-day work but will help you stay engaged with your work over the long-haul.
1. Create a triggers list to make sure nothing gets skipped
A triggers list is a one to two-page comprehensive list of the various tasks you accomplish in a week. These would be items such as calls to make, meetings to schedule, conversations to have, contracts to sign, or paperwork to complete.
I use Google Sheets as my main triggers list. Everyone will have a slightly different list, but the list I use works well for me. I review my triggers list every other Thursday for about 10-15 minutes. If needed, I add or modify the list periodically.
As I review my list, I add the tasks that come up to my to-do list on Todoist.
2. Find ways to automate
I use Zapier to automate a few different things. I have Zapier upload PDFs of certain searchable emails to my Google Drive. I’ve also connected it with my Todoist and Email accounts so that if I star an email it adds that email as a task to my to-do list. Using Zapier this way is great for emails I want to get out of my inbox but will need to tackle at some point soon.
I also use a free application called ClipMenu to store multiple copied text items or images to my clipboard. Of all the ways I try to automate at work, ClipMenu is the one that gets the most use.
Update: ClipMenu is no longer available, check out this article for Microsoft options and this one for Mac options.
3. Create checklists for your repeated and complicated projects
You can do this on paper or in an application. I use Todoist. Todoist is super helpful for my tasks and for when I share simple projects with someone. I track the actions I need to take with clients, prospects, and many other things. You can build all of your checklists into the program for various recurring tasks and projects. It’s simple to tweak the lists as changes to procedures occur.
4. Become friends with the IT guys
The obvious reason is your computer doesn’t always work. You may get top priority when your computer decides to start acting up! I’ve also found IT guys know a lot of computer shortcuts that help me become more productive. A couple of keyboard shortcuts include using the spacebar to preview an image or document in a file (try it!), Command + Spacebar to do a quick search, and Command + Tab to switch quickly between applications you are using.
For a more comprehensive list of Mac shortcuts, check out Cult of Macs Top 10 Keyboard Shortcuts.
5. Stand up and walk around
According to LifeHacker website they recommend to walk around for 5-10 minutes each hour. I try to do this in my job. I’ll get up from a coaching call and walk into the kitchen to give my kids or dog some attention.
Walking to people’s offices to talk with them rather than sending an email or text is another way I make sure you move around. Going to their offices also has the benefit of creating more clarity on the subject in question.
6. Stretch
Take a couple of minutes to stretch your shoulders, back, and legs. When I had my HR job, while I wait for print jobs to finish, I often did a couple of quick stretches.
Yes, it looks funny, but it will help you feel better by the end of the day. I recommend doing shoulder stretches, pec stretches, hamstring, and quad stretches. This will improve your posture and flexibility. Plus it gets you to stand up.
When you do the stretches, walk around for 1-2 minutes then hold each stretch for 30-seconds. The shoulder and pec stretches are great for improving posture with the constant sitting many of us do.
The leg stretches are great to help loosen you back up after sitting for long periods of time. The next time you’re hunched over reading or typing, let that be a reminder to stretch your body. Ergo-Plus is a great resource for workplace health and safety, including stretching.
7. Bring healthy snacks and lunch to work
Nutrition always matters. With most of us having sedentary jobs, it matters even more. Bring fruits, vegetables, nuts, yogurt, and other healthy snacks to work. Sometimes my office looks like a lunchroom, but I feel energized and clear headed because of it. When we are energized and clear headed we will be more productive.
The second thing you can do is pack a healthy lunch the night before work. This helps you to have control over what you eat at lunch. Even with my allergies, I still don’t order very wisely when I eat out. Cheeseburgers are a problem for me!
8. Find an exercise buddy
I try to connect with people for exercise or hanging out. Through the many meetings I have, I frequently learn about the exercise habits of the people I’m meeting with. For me, I’m always looking for another racquetball partner!
What are some ways that you stay productive? Which of these work hacks do you want to implement?