Avoid these 8 Words and Use Powerful Words Instead

Avoid these 8 Words and Use Powerful Words Instead

We all are here to nurture long lasting connections which continue to add value in our lives. On the path of fulfilling this, we must seek out those powerful words that are about encouraging and building up others, continuously improving your relationships with them and prospering interests of both.

Meaning of communication is the response you get as words prompt emotional identification. Hence, I present to you a list, which to my knowledge and experience has done a lot of good, personally and professionally.

1.      Because vs. But

It is how well you structure your cause/effect relationship that decides the persuasiveness of your speech.

Ex: I would like to continue working with you but at a higher pay scale.
Ex: I would like to have a higher pay scale because I cherish working with you and will continue to do so.

Because’ is a persuasive word because who doesn’t love hearing the explanations? People simply like to have reasons for what they do. ‘But’ on the other hand, brings in negativity- ‘something bad following the good’ vibe.

2.      Instantly vs. Later

The studies conducted around delayed gratification are fun and interesting. Humans cannot resist the temptation of winning the prize right away. Rather than focusing on things they get later, focus on what can be given 'instantly'.

Ex: Sign up and get insights on latest trends instantly!

Instant rewards trigger the brain cells and make us act under reflex. However, you should always ensure to over-deliver, not over-promise.

'Now' does the trick too.

Ex: Get your marketing report now!

It generates urgency and humans act under the spell of urgency.

3.      Should vs. Would/Could

Should’ brings a lot of credibility and assurance while ‘would’ and ‘could’ carry uncertainty, conditions and weakness.

Ex: A: Why didn’t you complete your assignment? B: I’d be able to do it if I had more time/ I could do it
Ex. B: I should have done it in time/ I should do it since it is important to the company

Would/Could’ puts light on the first person while ‘should’ works best in making the second person feel important and convinced with the context.

4.      Assist vs. Help

Helplessness implies someone is incapable of achieving something without someone else stepping in to do it for them. When we swap ‘help’ with ‘assist’, we set ourselves up to see that we are an important and capable part of the solution.

Help’ makes you sound vulnerable while ‘assist’ has the power to keep up your pride while giving away the vibe of importance to second person.

5.      Everything included vs. Exclusive

Ex: This offer comes with everything included
Ex: It is exclusive of…

Former gives a sense of importance to the customer while the latter does the opposite. It is effective to put as much as you can in ‘everything included’ basket.

6.      You/I vs. most of you/We

Ex: We understand that our customers come with different tastes thus we bring a unique style for everyone to carry.
Ex: I understand that you have unique tastes thus I present my product that is suitable for you to carry.

When we are representing a company/brand, it is not necessary to use ‘we’ in your speech. ‘I’ adds a lot of personalization to your communication and creates space for budding connections. Similarly, using ‘you’ sets you to a defined audience, who syncs with you when they get importance.

7.      Imagine vs. What if

Who will deny the sweet pleasures of daydreaming- Imagination running wild to the territory which may even is unreal.

Ex: Imagine a long vacation to the mountains, leaving all your baggage behind to fly to a stress-free zone.
Ex: What if you could leave your baggage behind and fly to a stress-free zone?

Second sentence puts a question mark to the complete idea of eloping to the stress-free. While the first makes you feel it and when you can make them feel it, they will act.

8.      This vs. The

This’ is concrete and triggers the concentration.

Ex: Read the latest update on Alien Theory
Ex: Read this latest update on Alien Theory

Like ‘instantly’, ‘this’ demands your immediate attention.

P.S This is for converting a negative statement to positive with respect to your speech and making it more persuasive and effective. All words fit well in some sentences and have utility factor bagging their place in the dictionary. No hard feelings for any word!


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