8 Ways Small Business Can Profit Use Facebook Live Video Streaming
8 Ways Small Business Can Profit Use Facebook Live Video Streaming
Facebook Live video streaming empowers brands and organizations of all sizes to take advantage of the power of video marketing and social media. It empowers even the smallest of organizations to expand brand awareness, build community, nurture relationships. Keen and savvy marketers know they can even utilize Facebook Live to conduct customer research and also increase leads and sales!
Utilizing Facebook live video empowers business marketers to humanize their brand. Your audience can look at you digitally, hear your voice and associate with you in ways that only video combined with sound can do.
Much the same as some other type of technology, digital marketing or social media network, it's not what the technology can accomplish for you, but rather what you can do WITH the technology.
We educate and train business pioneers everywhere throughout the world, and one of the top questions we get from brands of all sizes is… "Pam, I like the possibility of Facebook Live, but in what capacity would I be able to really use it for MY business?"
In the event that you have battled with coming up with ideas and methodologies for how your business can utilize Facebook live, then you have arrived on the correct blog post
Social media, digital marketing and video marketing is changing the universe of marketing and communication. You no longer need to make the "ideal" blog post, podcast, video or picture. Marketers must figure out how to grasp imperfect flawlessness. The only guarantee we have is change. On the off chances that you hold up until everything is perfect, you will probably still be building that flawless video live stream while your opposition abandons you in the dust.
#1: Address Blog Comments
One approach to utilize Facebook Live video for your business is to examine a point that your audience is interested on. For instance, perhaps you've composed a blog post regarding a matter that you know your readers will have questions concerning.
Despite the fact that you can answer reader's comments on your blog, it's substantially faster (and more effective) to schedule a Facebook Live video session where you can answer a significant number of their question without a moment's delay. This urges your fans to tune in for the live video session as opposed to sit tight for a replay. It additionally saves you time since you can address their questions upfront.
#2: Give an Inside Look at Your Business
You can likewise utilize Facebook Live video to give fans an off camera look at your business and how you function.
For instance, assuming that some of your followers are occupied with getting into your line of work. You could utilize a live video session to share your process and educate people who are searching for this information.
You may likewise concentrate on an aspect of your business that your targeted audience would be keen on learning more about.
#3: Answer FAQs
Customer service is an essential piece of any business. Odds are, you answer each question that comes in, regardless of the possibility that it's a repeated question. While it's vital that you react to each question, this can gobble up a considerable measure of time. Luckily, this is an area where live video can be valuable.
For instance, you may identify a typical question that your customer service team gets, and as opposed to answer the question over and over, you can have a Facebook Live video session to answer it. When you're done, you'll have a video archive that you can share with your customer service team, so everybody references similar materials.
If you want to better arrange your Facebook Live video, you could make a Facebook note so your videos are open to your whole team. In the meantime, you can start moulding customers to check this area first whenever they have a support question.
You still have the chance to provide top notch customer service and address questions that come in. It likewise helps you assemble an archive of content that you can use in blog posts, marketing materials, et cetera.
#4: Tease New Products
Another approach to utilize Facebook Live video is to give your fans a sneak look of your products. For instance, on the off chances that you simply received a shipment of another product, but it's not yet accessible on your site, you could utilize a live video to tease it to customers.
If that you utilize this strategy, consider providing a link amid your video to take pre-orders and capitalize on the excitement from your customers. The Live video additionally gives you a chance to answer questions from excited customers.
#5: Promote Your Upcoming Event
Facebook Live is an incredible approach to report an upcoming event. Once you've planned the event, make a post to tell fans you have a special declaration to make. At that point, share particular insights about your event on your live video.
While announcing an event on live video, make sure to have a simple-to-remember URL that you can share with your viewers. Post this link in the video comments also, in the event that viewers don't have an opportunity to write it down. Use a tool like Bitly to create a URL that you can track.
On the off chances that you plan to advance your event on your other social networks, it's useful to make a track-able URL for every platform so you can see where you're getting your event signups.
You can likewise use Facebook Live video to stream a live event. For instance, in case you're going to a conference, you could connect with speakers and broadcast interviews to audience to keep them tuned into your Facebook page.
#6: Engage With Your Facebook Group Members
Do you run a Facebook group for your business? Possibly you sell a product that gives customers access to a Facebook group once they buy from you. On the off chance that you run a Facebook group and right now use live video on your page, extending it to a group is an easy decision.
For instance, you could broadcast live week after week updates that are significant to your group.
On the off chance that you utilize a group as an add-on to another product you offer, live video is an incredible way to answer questions regarding your product and associate with members.
While you'll be broadcasting to your Facebook group as yourself, this is a chance to extend your relationships and for everybody to become acquainted with each other better.
One thing to recollect about utilizing live video and groups is that anyone who is a member can post live video on the group, so you might need to modify the group settings, so you have to approve every new post.
#7 Your Turn
With people burning through 3X longer watching live video than native video, live video is essentially a prerequisite for creating Facebook engagement outside of running Facebook advertisements.
Remember that you can use your stock mobile device and receiver; however consider investing into extra video equipment and tools. This can help you enhance the nature of your video and sound so the broadcast has a top notch look and sound, which will help keep viewers tuned in.
#8 Offer Live Online Classes
Information is as important as money on the web. You can give a tremendous measure of significant value by essentially showing your audience something they can use to benefit themselves. A valid example: You can have live online courses.
This will fluctuate contingent upon the product or service you give, however how about we take a gander at some few examples:
? Someone who sells musical instruments can do some series of live courses where they offer tips on the most proficient method to master numerous instruments.
? A blogger who helps other people start their own websites can have a live course about how to design your own website
? A designer who sells their own product can have some series of live tutorials on the best way to best use the program or tool.
Amid these courses, you can promote immense levels of engagement by additionally answering questions from your viewers, and adhering around to talk about any final points before the stream ends.
There you have it, the 8 ways small businesses can profit using facebook live streaming. Implementing this into your business will surely advance your company to the next level it ought to be.
Hope this was helpful
xoxo Haley fox