8 ways to listen better!!

8 ways to listen better!!

Listening is more than 60% of communication. Yes, you read it RIGHT! Listening (not talking) is more than 60% of our communication. Conscious listening creates understanding. A world where no one is listening to each other is a scary world.

Here are 8 ways that we can Listen better:

1. Be Genuinely Interested in the Conversation

Listen with the intention of hearing as if you are listening to the person for the first time.

2. Patience

We are moving from 5 days Cricket to 1 day and now to 6 hours. We have more time than we think we do, and the person talking to you deserves those extra minutes. Being patient is a skill that is particularly important to acquire.

3. Enjoying mundane sounds

Enjoy the sound of the washing machine or the wind entering through a small gap. We need to enjoy the small gifts of life, to know the worth of a human talking. This will teach you to find music and interest in the smallest conversations.


Receive information

Appreciate the talker

Summarize to the talker

Ask questions to the talker

5. Be Curious

Curiosity is a byproduct of being authentically present in the moment. A child asks more than 500 questions in a day while an adult only 18, be in the moment. Be intrigued about the talker’s story.

6. Pay attention to Non-Verbal Cues

Watch out for undertones, voice modulation, body languages, etc. Everything has a story to say.

7. Monitor your emotions/Avoid Distraction

It takes effort to listen, silencing your emails, forgetting what your boss told you today, etc. It is a performance and needs nothing but the best from you.

8. Listen to yourself to listen to others

Lastly, it is only when you listen to yourself, that you will have an open mind to listen to others.

The world is your oyster, go listen to someone special today.


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