8 Ways to Be Less Outgoing

8 Ways to Be Less Outgoing

Since all the extroverts put out books and articles about how introverts can be less shy and inward, it's about time to put the shoe on the other foot, as it were. No extrovert will do this because they are probably out on a sales call selling something or telling something they find to be interesting (yet, surprisingly no one else finds it interesting or is bold/kind enough to inform the offender face to face).

Then I found out there's a name for this phenomenon: extrovert-bias. Imagine that.

So, here's my LinkedIn contribution for the day are in no particular order.

  1. Drink less coffee. Or switch to decaf. You can do this. 
  2. Attend fewer motivational speeches and seminars. Save some money and buy some introversion lessons. Hit me up; I have special but limited LinkedIn consulting rates just for you.
  3. Learn a digital skill instead of hiring someone else to do it for you. That would mean you'd need to sit down in front of a computer for more than 30 minutes at a time, alone, with no one to talk to. Start off slow and build up. 
  4. Close the door in your office for some valuable alone time, you know, just you and you. This one will be a toughie, but I'm sure a few minutes a day won't hurt. Maybe even graduate up to 15 minutes in a few years.
  5. Step back two steps away from someone than you feel comfortable doing, i.e., to a space we normal people find comfortable.
  6. Get rid of that phone implant attached to your ear. It's so unbecoming.  
  7. Bring down your volume about four notches. No one wants to hear your rants on politics, sports, dating, awards, seminars, food you ate, or where you were the night before. Down five notches is even better.
  8. Stop writing "how to be outgoing" articles. No one is like you; no one wants to be like you, especially those who are not like you. For therapy, possibly write a "How to Not Be So Outgoing" article from all the lessons you've learned while practicing these eight steps.

There you have it. Your mileage may definitely vary.

Suri - Nicole

Contemporary Artist: Oil Paintings

1 年

Oh my gosh, so much fun! ?And I secretly wonder if maybe I should try some of these! ???


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