8 Ways to Improve Communication in Any Relationship
Soumitri Das
LinkedIn Top Voice | Luxury Real Estate Expert | Propcore CEO | Strategic Advisory
There are many factors that can affect the success of your relationships, whether personal or professional, but nothing matters more than communication. Whether you’re trying to build a romantic relationship with your partner or collaborating with your colleagues at work, great communication can have a huge impact on your ability to connect with other people. However, most of us think that just having a conversation is the same as having good communication skills. The truth couldn’t be further from this assumption.
Practice Active Listening.
Active listening is one of those skills that's really easy to learn but can dramatically improve your relationships with friends, family, and coworkers. It might sound a little hokey, but when you start actively listening to someone, it's amazing how much you can actually understand them. So next time you're on a call or having dinner with someone, try some of these techniques: - Make eye contact. - Nod your head. - Paraphrase what they say back to them. -Ask open-ended questions (i.e., questions that don't have yes/any answers). How does active listening help communication? Let’s take an example where your significant other comes home upset because his boss yelled at him at work. When he tells you about it, instead of jumping straight into a problem-solving mode (Well, why didn’t you tell him off? You should quit! "), just listen to his story without interrupting or making suggestions. Once he’s finished talking, paraphrase what you heard him say and ask if there was anything else he wanted to add. This way, not only do you show empathy for his situation, but also let him know that you care about hearing more details from him. And who knows—maybe by giving him space to talk out his feelings, he’ll come up with a solution on his own!
Don't Interrupt:?
Listening is one of the most important parts of communication, but it's also something we often forget to do because we're too busy talking. Instead of jumping in when someone else is speaking, take a moment to let them finish their thoughts before responding. This will help keep you from saying things you might regret later on—and make your conversation more productive overall. Also, if you have an urge to respond quickly or disagree right away, take a few seconds to collect your thoughts before doing so.?It'll save you time and energy in the long run. And finally, try not to use phrases like "I know what you mean" or "You think." These types of responses imply that you don't really understand what they're trying to say; instead, paraphrase what they've said back to them. This helps ensure that both parties are on the same page and keeps misunderstandings at bay.
Refrain From Rushing Into Solutions
Listening is a skill that must be developed, which means you can’t jump right into solutions and answers. The best thing you can do is suspend judgment and refrain from rushing into solutions. While it’s perfectly natural to be proactive, it may be better to listen first, then listen some more. Take notes, ask clarifying questions, and reflect on what you hear back (in your own words) so they know they’ve been heard. It’s important to avoid interrupting because listening requires patience. Show them you care by focusing on understanding their feelings and perspective—and only when you feel like you have all of that will you have enough information to problem-solve together. By doing so, you’ll likely find common ground faster than if you were to just focus on yourself. In other words, don’t try to get through your side of things; instead, really try to understand theirs first. That alone could make a world of difference for any relationship.
Ask Questions Rather Than Giving Advice
Instead of giving advice on how you think your friend should solve their problem, ask them how they would like to handle it. Listening is often more helpful than speaking, and asking questions gives your friend a chance to voice their own concerns or ideas about how they want to proceed. It also lets you know whether or not your advice is actually needed. For example, if your friend tells you that they have been thinking about taking time off from work to volunteer at an animal shelter but is worried that it will look bad on their resume, then offer up some information about companies who appreciate employees with community service experience. This can be extremely useful—but only if your friend has asked for help with job-related issues. If they haven’t, then you’re just talking over them.
Show Appreciation
Nothing brings people closer together than being on the same page with regards to appreciating each other’s efforts. It can also save you a lot of headaches when it comes time for conflict resolution since everyone feels heard and respected. So go ahead and give your partner some appreciation if you want to create a stronger bond between yourselves. And then do it again tomorrow. And again next week. And again next month. You get where we’re going with this...
Give Feedback Tactfully
Give negative feedback tactfully. Giving constructive criticism is a crucial skill that you’ll need as a manager or team leader. However, giving and receiving feedback can be tricky. If your negative feedback is too vague, it won’t help someone improve their performance; if it’s too harsh, you risk damaging your relationship with them. Instead of criticizing people directly, try being more descriptive about what they did wrong and how they could do better next time. For example, I noticed that you didn’t include any of our competitors in your report—this makes me wonder whether you thought about their products at all when putting together your recommendations for our new product line. What do you think? This way, he knows exactly what he did wrong and how he can fix it next time around. Another option is to offer positive feedback first, then follow up with something like One thing I really liked was how you included three different ideas on page 4. It shows that you took some time to think through your strategy before writing it down. Is there anything else we should add? In both cases, you’re offering helpful suggestions rather than directly criticizing someone for doing something wrong. And remember, no matter how tempted you are to criticize others, avoid sarcasm and passive-aggressive remarks at all costs!
Be Mindful of Nonverbal Cues
Nonverbal cues are a crucial part of communication. In fact, nonverbal cues can convey up to 90% of your message, which is why it’s so important to be mindful of them when communicating with others. One easy way to improve how well you communicate with others is by observing and responding more actively to these nonverbal cues. For example, if someone crosses their arms or leans away from you while talking, take note of that body language. It may mean they’re feeling defensive or closed off—and if that’s the case, your best bet is to back off until they feel more comfortable opening up. You might also consider asking follow-up questions to make sure you fully understand what they’re saying. Even simple things like making eye contact or smiling can help build trust and foster good relationships. If nothing else, simply showing that you care about what people have to say will go a long way toward improving your relationship with them!
Remove Distractions
Distractions are part of everyday life, but they don’t have to become daily habits. When it comes time for communication, try turning off your phone and closing other apps. By freeing yourself from distractions, you’ll be able to more fully focus on what your spouse or friend is saying. This will make them feel like you really care about their feelings, thoughts, and ideas. It will also help them trust that they can come to you with anything—even if it’s hard to talk about. Trust is an important element of any relationship.
If You Don't Understand: It's easy to tune out when someone else is talking because we're thinking about what we want to say next instead of listening. Try putting away your agenda for a moment and just listening carefully until you understand exactly what's being said. People will appreciate your active listening skills, which could even lead to deeper conversations later on down the road.
The key to improving your communication skills is being an active listener. When you're focused on what a person is saying and how they are saying it, rather than thinking about what you will say next, or being distracted by your phone or other factors, you'll be far more likely to successfully understand and connect with another person. This brings us back full circle: great communication = relationship success!
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2 年Thanks for sharing Soumitri! #kudos