8 Ways Hypnosis Can Help New Entrepreneurs Be Successful
Alexander Ivlev
I help consulting hypnotists to increase income by improving service
There are many entrepreneurs in the world today. Some of them are very successful, some of them are not at all. How about you? Do you keep moving toward your goal? Keep moving! Sooner or later you will be there! If not, then you probably can try another business idea, right? If you are not sure, learn here how hypnosis can help you achieve your business success. Here are 8 ways hypnosis can help new entrepreneurs be successful.
1. Hypnosis can help you see your business success in your mind.
If you can see things in mind, you have artistic vision. Of course, sometimes your mind creates fearful or scary images, and if you don’t do anything, they can become your way of thinking. This is not good. You have to train your mind to create only optimistic images! Nikola Tesla used to see all his inventions in his mind perfectly!
What if you can’t see your success in your mind? You know, your brain is your bio-computer. You are the owner of your brain. If you can’t see your success in your mind, you can train your mind to create the images of your success. Your ability to see your success clearly in your mind is your bridge to your success!
The American basketball player Michael Jordan practiced visualization very seriously. He spent a lot of time every day to mentally rehearse his shooting a ball ideally. As a result, he became a great basketball player! You can practice visualization of your success too, can’t you? Of course you can! Your visualization which is your imagination can be trained the same way as your body’s muscles! Enjoy a mental rehearsal of your success.
As a hypnotist, sometimes I help people to become confident through hypnotic visualization. For example, Paul took a lot of driving lessons but can’t pass the road test because he gets nervous during the exam. While in hypnosis in my office, Paul mentally rehearsed his perfect driving. As a result, Paul passed his road test and have got his driver license.
2. Hypnosis can help you feel as if you have achieved your business success already.
When you are happy with something, you feel good, right? And when you are upset, you don’t feel good. This is normal for average people but not normal for successful entrepreneurs! Also, when you don’t feel good, you don’t think good, right? And when you don’t think good, you can make wrong decisions about your business.
Any successful entrepreneur makes his or her own decisions based on what they want, not on their fears or anger. Let go of your negative emotions. You can choose to feel great all the time! Even when you are upset or experience stress, you can replace your negative feelings with good ones. You can learn to do it through self-hypnosis!
Why is it important for you to feel as if you have achieved your goal already? Because your subconscious mind is emotional. By creating good feelings you keep your emotional wellness connected to your goal. Many successful entrepreneurs including Richard Branson felt they could achieve their goal without knowing how they could achieve it.
3. Hypnosis can help you change your mental paradigm.
When you were born, you didn’t have any conscious mind, only subconscious one. As a baby, what ever you heard from your parents, you accepted it automatically. At age of four or five you were basically programmed to see yourself and the world around you with your parents’ eyes. As an adult, you keep seeing yourself and the world around you with your parents eyes.
Of course, also your education and your environment affects your ability to think. But your mental paradigm in your mind controls everything in your life! If your parents told you that you are an idiot hundred times a day, then when you grow up, you can think that you are not smart enough. Or if your parents kept telling you that big money cause the problems, as an adult you may unconsciously afraid to make a lot of money.
Bob Proctor helped many people to change their mental paradigm. He says that repetition of an information can change your paradigm. Yes, it works perfectly, but it takes time. You have to repeat the formula thousands times a day, every day, every week, every month! Hypnosis is a shortcut for such task! As a matter of fact, Bob Proctor uses hypnosis but he calls it meditation.
4. Hypnosis can help you focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want.
How many times did you try to control your negative habits or your thoughts? You tried very hard to get rid of something what you don’t like and it always came back stronger than ever? Here is the truth: fighting the problem makes the problem stronger! What to do? To stop focusing on your problem and start focusing on your problem’s solution instead!
You don’t want to lose your business motivation, do you? But when you try to do something in order to stop losing your business motivation, it is fading away even faster! Why? because you focus on what you don’t want. Let your worries go! There is an effective way to increase your motivation. The successful entrepreneurs use hypnosis to stay calm and focused during stressful times.
If you think that your focus is wrong, you have to see what you focus on right now. The Law of Attraction says that what you focus on, you get more of this! It is not easy for some entrepreneurs to change their focus because they can’t see where their focus is. Hypnosis can help those people to solve such a problem.
When I work with my clients, I always ask them what they want. Seriously, sometimes people don’t really know what they want. As a result, they focus not on what they want. Consciously, they know that they want a success in their business, but subconsciously they focus on something else. This is not good. It is like, while driving a car you suddenly have got lost because you were thinking about something.
5. Hypnosis can help you be free from your past.
It is doesn’t matter if you failed before. A new born baby can’t walk but sooner or later he or she will learn how to walk perfectly. Of course, when a baby learns to walk, he or she will fall many times, it is normal. Guess what happen if the parents of a baby begin to worry about baby’s falling? A baby will lose his or her self-confidence and begin to afraid to walk!
Have you seen Cirque du Soleil‘s acrobats super shows? They are all people just like you and me. Only difference is they are very trained acrobats. But everyone of them was a baby first! Your potential is unlimited, remember that! The past doesn’t exist. There is only “Now” moment. And now you are building your future. This how hypnosis can help new entrepreneurs be successful.
Some people keep thinking about what happened to them. Because of that, they can’t sleep well. Their minds play same memory over and over. Their self-esteem is melting down. They become constantly sad. Sometimes I help people with such a problem ( very often it’s a relationship broakup victim). Hypnosis is a perfect way to forget the past and keep moving forward.
If you keep recalling your past events when you failed to achieve your goal, you are programming yourself to fail again. You can’t keep moving forward if you go back, right? Do you know that every cell of your body is constantly renewing? So you have a completely new body every couple of years! Only your mind stays the same because it is not your brain.
6. Hypnosis can help you take care of your body.
I don’t mean you have to visit Gym every day or run 10 miles every morning. Your physical activity is up to you. I am talking about your living organism wellness. Do you sleep well every night? Do you practice progressive muscle relaxation? Do you enjoy breathing with clean air in the public parks during a day? How about long walks every evening?
Many business owners reduce their stress by eating too much, drinking alcohol too much, or smoking. By such “relaxation” your nervous system is not able to restore own energy. As a result, your vital energy is getting wasted. Realize that your body is a result of your thinking! The mind/body connection is real. Your mind constantly affect your body!
People who eat too much become overweight. But they eat too much because they are not happy with something. People who dink too much become ill. They drink too much because they are not happy with something. As a certified hypnotist, I help people to lose weight, stop smoking, get sober. I program their minds for success. This is how hypnosis can help new entrepreneurs be successful.
7. Hypnosis can help you take care of your mind.
Your mind affects not only your body but your business too! If your mind is busy with fears and worries about your business, then your self-confidence can start fading away. As a a result, one day you are not able to keep moving forward toward your business goal. If you don’t take care of your mind then you can become a victim instead of a victor.
Did you ever experience panic attacks? Not yet? Good for you! If you keep pushing yourself forward toward your goal working 24/7, 8 days a week then sooner or later your nervous system will become overused. As a result, you can get panic attack. Also, back pain or headache. Suddenly, you don’t look good because you don’t feel good. As a result, your business can experience slowing down. Which in turn, can make you more suffering.
Of course, if you don’t feel well, you should visit your medical doctor as soon as possible. If he or she tells you that nothing is wrong with you; your stress caused your problem. then you can try hypnosis to restore your nervous system wellness. Do you know that one hour of hypnotic sleep is equal to four hours of normal sleep? This is how hypnosis can help new entrepreneurs be successful.
How many gold seekers gave up their dreams during the Klondike Gold Rush? We don’t know. But there always was someone who found gold right there where the previous person gave up. Why? Because the successful people have optimistic mind! Your own mind can be your best servant, not your master. You are the master, not your mind. When I work with my clients, I keep telling them that they are training their own minds.
8. Hypnosis can help you make your decision.
“When our idea is not whole we are suffering” – Baruch Spinoza, Dutch philosopher.
If you didn’t make your own decision to achieve your goal, you are not really interested. In this case, you can give up easily when something goes wrong. Some people think that they made a decision about their business goal but in reality they just though about it. To make a decision means no point to return! Do you know that Russian military leader Alexander Suvorov burned the bridges behind his army in order to win?
As a hypnotist I facilitate free stress reduction workshops for members of Gilda’s club in NYC. There is always somebody who shares his or her successful story of miracle recovering. And every time such wonderful recovering was a result of decision to get well. There is a scientific explanation of such phenomenon: By self-suggestion you can influence every cell of your body. Adding an emotion to such suggestion makes it stronger! This is how hypnosis can help new entrepreneurs be successful.
During a hypnosis session I help people to focus on their goals and make their own decision to achieve them. You know, when you make decisions while in hypnosis, your subconscious mind accepts them completely. This is what you want in order to be happy and successful, right? Of course! You can and will become a very successful entrepreneur! With hypnosis or without hypnosis. But please remember that hypnosis is not magic. Only if you are willing and ready to achieve your goal, hypnosis can be a shortcut to it!
Now you know how hypnosis can help new entrepreneurs be successful.
My name is Alexander Ivlev. As a certified hypnotist, I can help you program your mind for your success!