8 Ways to Go Greener at Home
Brad McRae
I Help Professionals Create a Life By Design Through Real Estate With My Wealth Builder Blueprint
Every year on April 22nd, billions of people worldwide celebrate Earth day; a holiday created to demonstrate the importance of environmental protection through a wide range of global events. Everyone can do their part to keep our home planet clean, and you can too!
Here are 8 small, easy, and environmentally-friendly choices we can make in our homes to go green this year!
1. Start Using Reusable Bags- Most stores offer Canvas bags as an alternative option to their ever wasteful plastic bags. These bags are actually more sturdy than plastic bags, as well as better for the environment.
2. Plant a Garden- By growing your own garden, you are the one to decide what goes on your plants and into your soil, allowing you to reduce the amount of harmful chemicals polluting our environment and waterways. Organically growing your own food is sustainable and nourishes your soil by using safe and natural fertilizers. For tips on how to start your own garden, click here.
3. Wash Laundry in Cold Water Instead of Hot- According to The Worldwatch Institute, 85% of the energy used to machine-wash clothes goes to heating the water. Plus, clothes tend to not bleed color so much when washed in colder water, saving you from doing separate loads for lights, darks, and whites!
4. Switch Out Light Bulbs for Energy-Efficient Options- Look for ones marked “CFL.” Compact fluorescent lights use much less electricity than standard incandescent light bulbs do and they last 5x longer.
5. Save Water- Fix any leaky pipes or faucets, take shorter showers, and stop buying water bottles. You can always purchase a water filter if you aren’t a fan of tap water!
6. Go Paperless- We’re living in the digital age- so it’s time to get digital with your bills and other mail. Reduce the number of papers going in and out of your home by going paperless with monthly subscriptions and billing payments. You may find that your finances are actually easier to track digitally right from your smartphone with options like auto-pay, digital reminders, and more.
7. Unplug Electronics When They’re Not in Use- There’s no reason to leave electronics plugged into the walls when you aren’t using them. Unplug phone chargers, speakers, and kitchen appliances like the toaster until you need to use them. This eco-friendly tip will also help lower your energy bill!
8. Use Paper Less and Recycle More- Swap out paper towels for cloth napkins/towels when drying hands and cleaning up liquid messes. This way you save yourself from buying so many paper products because you can wash and reuse the cloth items instead. You’ll be saving money and the planet at the same time.