8 Ways to Create Content at Live Events
Let me ask you a question…do you create content at live events? Not just at the events, but before, during and after?
If your answer is no then you are missing a huge content opportunity.
Going to events is a fantastic thing to do, it’s great for learning and it’s great for building relationships. You just cannot beat meeting people face-to-face.
But, they’re also often a huge investment – you’ve investing in yourself which is good, but events can take up a lot of time away from your business and family, and make quite a dent on your bank balance too!
If you’re going to be spending anything from a few days to a week away from your business (I did the latter for Podcast Movement last year and again this year, and for Podfest earlier this year too), you need to make sure that its worth it. One way you can do this – well simply create content at live events that engages your audience!
Events I'm Attending This Year
I was inspired to create this post because I’ve been to a lot of events recently myself, as a speaker - most recently Agency Transformation Live. Plus I have 3 more main events in the second half of 2019 where I'll also be speaking.
Podcast Movement is coming up in August, I'll be speaking there all about how to turn one podcast episode into one month of content, and I'm also exhibiting (if you are going to be there come say hi!).
Then Retain is in September, hosted by my good friends Mike Morrison and Callie Willows aka The Membership Guys. I'll be teaching membership site owners how to repurpose content for their membership.
Then in November, I'll be gracing the Youpreneur Summit stage - a brilliant event for entrepreneurs ran by my good friend and mentor Chris Ducker. Chris is also a long-standing client of Content 10x.
Last year, at Youpreneur Summit I was delighted to take part in the Expert Content Marketing panel, where I was able to share my ideas and passion for content repurposing to over 350 people from over 30 different countries. It's such an honour and privilege to be asked back as a main speaker in 2019.
When I attend events, one thing that always strikes me as a speaker and from an attendee viewpoint is just how many content opportunities there are.
8 tips on how to create content at live events
1. Write engaging blog posts
It’s a great idea to write a blog post before and after attending an important event. Events are a brilliant opportunity to meet people in your network that you otherwise wouldn’t get the chance to see, but if you don’t let them know you’re going you’re missing a vital opportunity to network!
Especially if you’re going to a really large event and the likelihood of bumping into people you may know is slim unless you arrange something in advance.
Even if a large majority of your audience aren’t attending, it’s still very much worthwhile to write about the fact that you are going because it shows that you’re investing in yourself and your own personal development.
For your clients you are showing them that you always stay on top of what’s going on in your industry. This is bound to impact upon the quality of your service and/or product.
Make sure you write about WHY you’re going, what you hope to get out of it and once you return, write a blog post with the key takeaways from the event. That way, you’re adding value for all the people who didn’t get the chance to go.
If you’re seen as a leader or influencer it’s really important for people to see that you invest in your own knowledge and keep up to date on what’s happening in your industry.
2. Tweet, Tweet, Tweet – Use Twitter to Create Content at Live Events
Twitter is always extremely popular at conferences and events. Attendees will be tweeting non-stop throughout the day, using the event hashtag (be sure to find out what this is…if there is one) and it’s important that you join in the conversation and connect with people using Twitter.
You should be sharing your experiences in the run-up to the event, during the event and afterwards, too.
Many people add the hashtag to their name on their Twitter profile so that people can find and follow them when they’re searching for tweets about the event.
Make sure you take photos of the speakers, share the key takeaways from their talks and don’t be shy to do plenty of retweeting. The latter allows you to focus on the talks but still share what’s being said with your audience.
Twitter is also a great way to receive feedback on your talk if you’re speaking at an event.
3. Make Instagram & Facebook stories your best friend
People love exploring “behind the scenes” content and this is one of the reasons why Instagram and Facebook stories are so popular. Use them to your advantage!
Instagram stories are short, bitesize 15-second vlogs that force you to be concise and engaging. You can have a lot of fun with them – get other people involved, use the geotagging feature and the event hashtags, too.
I am a big fan of Instagram Stories. I post something almost every day, and when I’m at events I always try and ensure I share what’s going on.
4. Have a Content Plan for all of Your Social Media Accounts
This about all of the social media channels that you use and create a short plan detailing what you’re going to be sharing to each network and when in the run-up to, during, and after the event.
You could even consider organizing a meetup at the event using social media. Some events have specific pages on their website to share ‘official’ meetups (ones that are organised by the event) and ’unofficial’ meetups, where attendees organise their own social events and meetups. Get in touch with the organisers to see if they’d be happy to list yours.
5. Let your email subscribers know about the event
Similarly to how you should write blog posts to communicate your attendance, don’t forget to let your email subscribers know, too!
When I was at Podcast Movement last July and Podfest this March I ensured that I let my email subscribers know. And do you know what, many of them were also attending and as a result of my email, we were able to meet up in the US! I did the same for Youpreneur Summit and Content Live as well.
Just a short email detailing which event you’re going to, why you’re going, what you hope to get out of it and asking if any of your subscribers will be attending is enough.
Make sure you email your subscribers after the event with all the key takeaways from the event – you can repurpose your post event blog post for this, too.
6. Use video to your advantage
Events are a brilliant opportunity to develop creative video content that you can use for a variety of different purposes. You could create a vlog, a timelapse video or even just record one of the speaker’s talks (if you are allowed, always check the event rules…especially when it comes to livestreaming).
You could even use the event as a way to get quick, interview style videos with people you wouldn’t normally get to spend any face-to-face time with, like the speakers or other attendees.
You don’t even need a fancy camera for this – your phone is usually all you need.
7. Podcast on the go
If you have a podcast like I do, you can very easily bring along your recording equipment to record interviews with people whilst you’re at events.
At Podcast Movement last year they had a specific recording space set-up entirely for that reason.
As it’s a podcasting conference, seeing attendees wandering around clutching their audio equipment is hardly surprising! However, I’ve been to many other, non-podcast related conferences where people are doing the same - Social Media Marketing World for one.
It can take a bit of courage to approach people, but take the plunge! There’s opportunity to get some great audio content from people who you would usually be lucky to even get an email back from as they’re so busy. Of course, you can always try to arrange in advance too. Either way, I can promise you, it’ll definitely be worth it.
8. Last but not least – make sure you have a content mindset
Having a content mindset when you’re at an event will help you instrumentally when it comes to planning your content.
There is a content opportunity in almost everything!
Think about all the different types of content you can create based on the conversations you’re having with people in your industry AND the questions that people are asking,
Make sure you listen and are on high alert - jot down any notes you have throughout the day of what would make amazing content for your audience.
To Conclude
You really can get so much out of attending events - beyond the content at the event itself.
How many of the above ideas have you actioned before when it comes to repurposing content from events?
I’d love to hear from you - let me know in the comments below.
Also, say Hello on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube. This article originally appeared on Content10x.com.