8 Video Trends for 2022
Pick up any marketing guide or how-to resource and you’re bound to come across the same advice - video needs to be a part of your marketing strategy. C’mon people, it’s 2022 and we know video is important. But exactly what type of videos are we talking about?
From short videos to reels to full-production high-quality videos and phone shot stories, there is a lot that ‘videos’ look like. Let’s jump in and check the trends that really matter and how you can take advantage of video.
Video storytelling is a marketing tactic that uses the naturally engaging video format to tell a story about a brand, company or product. It goes beyond a typical sales pitch and focuses on a story rather than a product. It is immersive and powerful, and very effective in driving engagement.
2. Real - less production
Highly produced video is out – unless you are making a movie – and quick action, vlog-style video is in. With content creators on social media and YouTube proliferating, viewers are happy watching authentic looking videos. And why not? It’s fast, agile, and adaptable.?
3. Educational
Educational videos make learning new things interesting and fun. If you’re in technology or bringing about a disruptive concept to life, you need a good educational video to train your employees or your target audience.
4. Live video
“Live stories” aren’t just limited to Instagram. In-the-moment videos help you create an authentic connection with the audience. So, if you are going live, just make sure the video and audio quality is good. Poor quality video or sound can lead to loss of interest. And yes, keep it short and to the point.?
5. Personal video interactions
The pandemic turned virtually every social interaction - work meetings, job interviews, trivia nights and birthday parties into Zoom meetings. This made personal video a new favourite style to shoot customer testimonials and sales pitches.
6. Soundless optimisation
Videos on social media are often watched without sound. Captioning and on-screen text are vital for the success of video distributed on social media. Optimising for soundless playback can actually help make video content accessible to more people.
7. Vertical video
Hate them but you can’t ignore them. Instagram, Facebook and YouTube all support vertical video. Why go vertical? It’s all about where you plan to post and share. Horizontal video is still best for websites being viewed on wide-screen monitors and vertical videos work well on social media.
8. Super short video ads
People often check a video’s duration before hitting the play button. Micro video ads are catching on. The challenge is creating something cool enough to click in 6 to 10 seconds.?
In conclusion, it is not just enough to know that videos are the in-thing. Plan your content type, style, duration and distribution to suit your needs. And enjoy the process of creating memorable videos to engage with your users.