8 Types of Hackers
Dr. Shekhar Pawar
Founder & CEO @ SecureClaw & GrassDew IT Solutions ??? Doctorate in Cybersecurity from SSBM Switzerland ?? We Offer???Virtual CISO | VAPT | SAST | BDSLCCI | Software Development | Teleservices
In computer and growing electronic data world, Hacking means to breach into an individual/organization's data storage and to steal sensitive data or mess around with the data stored. Hacker is person who pull the strings and do the hacking. A hacker is a highly skilled computer expert that is able to compromise computer security.
There are many categorizations made with of different hacking styles and attacks. I am going to throw some light on each type.
- White Hat Hacker :
A white hat hacker is a specialist who breaks into protected systems and networks to test and asses their current implementation of security. These hackers use their skills to improve security by exposing vulnerabilities before other malicious hackers can detect and exploit those. They are also known as Ethical Hackers. They have similar expertise like malicious hackers. These white hat hackers have permission from the owner for hacking their systems or networks to find our vulnerabilities.
2. Black Hat Hacker :
This kind of hacker attempts to find computer security vulnerabilities and exploit them for personal financial gain or other malicious reasons. Such hackers can inflict major damage on both individual computer users and large organizations by stealing personal financial information, compromising the security of major systems, or shutting down or altering the function of websites and networks.
3. Gray Hat Hacker :
They do exploit a security weakness in a computer system or product in order to bring the weakness to the attention of the owners. These hackers are not having malicious intentions, like black hat hackers do. The goal of these kind of hackers is to improve system and network security. Whereas if they publish a vulnerability, it will give good opportunity to other hackers to exploit it.
4. Suicide Hacker :
As we knew person who is attempting to suicide is in extreme state of mind. Same way, suicide hackers are those who hack for some crucial purpose. They are not afraid of any consequences of their act, like they don’t bother to suffer for illegal activity or long-term jail. Such suicide hackers can do good or bad in their own way.
5. Script Kiddie Hacker :
As name indicates, they love kidding with hacking stuff. Such hackers are unprofessional hacker with no deep knowledge to program tools to breaks into computer networks. S/he will try to use downloaded hacking tools from internet written by other hackers/security experts. They believe on the quantity of attacks rather than the quality of the attacks which they will try to do.
6. Cyber Terrorist Hacker :
Cyber-terrorism can be also defined as the intentional use of computers, networks, and public internet to cause destruction and harm for personal objectives. Experienced cyber terrorists, who are very skilled in terms of hacking can cause massive damage to government systems, hospital records, and national security programs, which might leave a country, community or organization in turmoil and in fear of further attacks. The objectives of such terrorists may be political or ideological since this can be considered a form of terror. They do hacking and try to break into computer systems in order to steal or change or destroy information as a form of cyber-terrorism.
7. State Sponsored Hacker :
Governments are now looking at ways to declare state-sponsored cyber attacks as acts of war. State sponsored hackers are individuals employed by the government to penetrate and gain top-secret information and to damage information systems of the governments.
8. Hacktivist Hacker :
Hacktivism is the act of hacking a website or computer network in an effort to convey a social or political message. The person who carries out the act of hacktivism is known as a hacktivist.
Acts of hacktivism may include website defacement, denial-of-service attacks (DoS), redirects, website parodies, information theft, virtual sabotage and virtual sit-ins.
A hacktivist thinks hacking can bring out some social changes and hacks government and organizations to show his discomfort over some trivial issues.
I hope you are now aware of different types of hackers. It is really important to product your business with hack-proof techniques. We can help you with that.
We, GrassDew IT Solutions Pvt Ltd provides consulting services, software solution services, security services, digital marketing and knowledge services.
Most of our clients are utilizing our Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) service to secure their network, machines, applications and infrastructure.
To know more about our services you can contact me at [email protected]
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