8 Tips on Enterprise Software Vendor Selection
Selecting enterprise software vendors to work with is a critical decision for any organization. At Olive, we’ve helped lots of organizations find their best-match Enterprise Software Vendors. Here,?we’ve compiled 8 expert tips on getting the most out of the?enterprise software vendor selection process.
1. Collaborate Upfront – Take the Time to Identify the Right Stakeholders
Engaging and aligning?the right stakeholders ?for your requirements-gathering process for enterprise software selection projects drive digital transformation and results in high user adoption after implementation. Take your time to figure out who needs to be heard. Valuing the right voices creates a compounding benefit throughout the software buying process. Here are some stakeholders you should take the time to identify:?
2. Gather and Build Comprehensive Requirements
If you had to guess how many software projects fail because of poorly articulated requirements, what would you say? 71%. Requirement failure ?is the number one reason why technology and software implementation doesn’t go to plan. That’s why gathering and building comprehensive requirements is so vital to success. Here are some?requirements-gathering tips? to help you succeed:?
3. Take Control of the Enterprise Software Vendor Selection Process
Whether you are the IT leader, the department head, or a consultant working for clients, you must carefully assess technology vendors in relation to the needs of the specific business and avoid letting biased software reviews or pushy salespeople gain too much control over the process.
To be effective, you must evaluate the current situation, get feedback on the business needs from important stakeholders, develop lists of requirements, evaluate each requirement’s viability, and develop an RFP. Although the process is time-consuming and frequently fraught with bias and risk, it is essential for successful transformation. You can make the?vendor selection ?process more seamless by;?
4. Make Cost – Effective Decisions
Knowing your tech stack’s ROI can help you determine which investments in technology are adding value to your business and which are draining your innovation budget. There may be opportunities to free up money for solutions that actually spur digital transformation if you are aware of exactly where your budget is being wasted on software that has low user adoption or cause issues across functional boundaries.?
The most straightforward method of calculating test automation ROI?is the following formula:
ROI = Gain – Investment ÷ Investment
Gain:?The amount gained by replacing manual processes with automated processes. For example, for consultants calculating automating their consultancy with Olive’s technology, they can include gain factors such as saved hours gathering requirements and ranking requirements, less admin tasks, improved requirements traceability, and less wasting with long-winded RFP documents.
Investment:?The costs funnelled into setting up test automation pipelines.
5. Don’t Ignore Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
The Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for enterprise software is the sum of all direct and indirect costs incurred by that software and is a critical part of the?ROI calculation. Unfortunately, TCO is often ignored or underestimated.
When calculating ROI, include TCO costs that can be incurred by your solutions;
6. Automate the RFI/RFP Process?
Many organizations get the enterprise software selection process right – up until the RFI/RFP moment. This is because many still use outdated RFP platforms which are riddled with bias and exponentially slow down the process.?Consider a tool such as Olive ?and experience the benefits of modern, efficient online RFP software. With Olive, you will experience automation and agility with your entire vendor selection process. From gathering requirements to collaboration with departments, keep all your data and insights in one online app. With a typical RFI, you send out a spreadsheet or document to a few vendors and hope for responses. With Olive, you can invite as many vendors as you want directly into the project. As they respond to your requirements and answer questions, you see the results and how well they score against your requirements and needs in real time. You can also manage and maintain vendor conversations within the app. Responses are automatically saved for traceability and due diligence. In-app chat allows stakeholders to review, score, and discuss vendor responses internally without the need for meetings and spreadsheets.
7. Get the Unbiased Facts you Need to Make the Right Decision
The software selection process has gained importance as organizations scramble to implement new technologies in order to boost productivity and produce profitable results. Sadly, bias can frequently creep into this process, producing less-than-ideal results and failing to fully consider all viable options. To avoid bias in the selection process, follow these steps:?
8. Innovate Your Internal Enterprise Software Vendor Selection Process with Olive
Let Olive be your guide in navigating this process. As a thought leader in technology sourcing, Olive offers an end-to-end platform that streamlines software vendor selection and assists you in finding the ideal solution for your organization’s unique needs.
Olive takes pride in its vendor-agnostic approach, allowing for an impartial and reliable assessment. Our focus is on empowering buyers like you to make low-risk informed decisions about your technology choices while saving you valuable time and resources.
At Olive, we believe in guiding organizations toward the best software options for their business. By leveraging our efficient and unbiased platform, you can be confident in the decisions you make.