To be effective in your chosen area of work and enjoy what you are doing, it is important to create positive relationships with those around you. Here are eight proven tips that work in creating positive work relationships from Raise Mental Health:
- BE YOURSELF – While it is important to be professional at work, it is also important to be yourself. It is hard to create positive relationships by pretending to be something you are not. So try and be natural and put your best foot forward.
- TREAT PEOPLE EQUALLY – Everyone at work has different roles but it's good to remember we are all human. Don't be afraid to speak up and say what you think. Be respectful but treat everyone as a peer and don't think of yourself as 'lower' or 'higher than others. Getting caught up in job titles and hierarchy takes the fun and human element out of work and makes it difficult to create honest and positive relationships.
- STAY OUT OF POLITICS – Make it a practice to stay out of any work politics if you can. It will save you from getting caught up in negativity, misunderstandings and gossip and will earn you respect from those around you. Do your job to your best ability and remain professional and positive with those around you at work.
- BE FRIENDLY – Being friendly and pleasant to be around makes everyone's life easier, whatever job you are in. Being aware of your own moods is also important. Learn how to manage your stress and deal with challenges effectively. It will benefit you and make you an easier person to work with.
- BE THOUGHTFUL –Being thoughtful doesn't take a lot but it pays off. A manager or team member who checks in with another member of staff who seems quieter than usual is being thoughtful. An employee bringing morning tea in to share is being thoughtful. A leader who recognises an employee's contribution is being thoughtful. A little bit of thought goes a long way and shows the people around you at work that you care about them and they are not just another employee or colleague to you. Everyone likes to be appreciated.
- BE SELF AWARE – Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will help you to be aware of the impact you have on those around you. Think about how you behave and how it affects the people around you. It will help you to be more in tune with the people you work with and develop more positive relationships.
- ENJOY YOUR WORK – It's much easier to be positive when you are enjoying the work you are doing. Obviously, nothing is fun all the time, but if you can focus on making the best of your job it will help you feel positive and in turn foster positive relationships.
- ADD VALUE – Add value to your workplace. You can be the friendliest and happiest person in the workplace, but if you are not getting your job done, someone else will have to pick up the slack! Think of ways in which you can help your organisation and your co-workers. It's not just about having qualifications or experience, it's about attitude and choosing positive behaviours. We can all make a difference!