8 themes and Key questions to be on the Board Agenda in 2025 - January 29, 2025
Hervé Gloaguen
Audit, Compliance and Risk advisor, with global Leadership and Board experience. Former Allianz Group CAE and CCO: I share my experience of leading hundreds of audit and compliance experts Doctorate student (SDA Bocconi)
The BLC – Board Leadership Center – of KPMG France , chaired by Jean-Marc Discours issued a very good paper some days ago, with 8 master themes for 2025 to be addressed by the Boards of Directors.
This agenda is very relevant also for Internal Auditors in the sense that it is a series of questions where the Chief Audit Executive might want to have an opinion on.
Adapting strategy to geopolitical and economic upheavals
- Does management have the risk management tools it needs to detect changes in its ecosystem, and to warn of any strategic adjustments they may require?
- Is the company's risk profile regularly updated?
- Has an analysis of possible scenarios - including the most pessimistic - been carried out, together with stress tests on key assumptions?
- Have the interactions between the various major risks and the new assessment criteria for certain ESG risks been integrated into the risk mapping process?
- Has the company assessed the risks and opportunities of operating in a higher-cost environment (in terms of capital, technology, energy, labor), taking into account “national preference” policies?
Deploying generative AI
- Has an internal generative AI model been developed and deployed? How does management ensure an exhaustive inventory of AI modules deployed / used within the Group?
- What uses of generative AI are envisaged by the Group (new business models, new products, operational efficiency gains...) and what are their expected effects in terms of revenues and costs?
- What threats does the company face from the use of this technology by itself, its partners or competitors?
- How does senior management ensure that the use of AI is aligned with the company's values, ethics and standards of conduct?
- How does management keep abreast of legislative developments in the field of generative AI, and ensure that the company's processes and operating procedures are compliant in this area?
- Does the Group have the skills and resources needed to understand and manage the challenges of generative AI, including in the financial sector?
- How does the company ensure the quality and accuracy of the information produced by AI, a key issue in achieving its productivity and efficiency objectives?
Managing cybersecurity and data protection risks
- What data does the company store, manage and use? How is it collected, stored, processed, managed and secured?
- Who is responsible for monitoring cyber risk and data breaches? How are roles allocated to the various corporate functions: Information Systems Department, IT Security Department and Compliance Department?
- How does the company ensure compliance with data protection regulations in the different regions in which it operates?
- What are the main KPIs used?
- Have crisis management plans been and are they regularly tested?
Integration of ESG issues and supervision of sustainability reporting
- What ESG issues are significant or of strategic importance to the company?
- How does the company integrate these issues at the heart of its strategy and activities (operations, risk management, variable compensation and corporate culture) to boost long-term performance?
- What are the significant sustainability issues identified in the dual materiality analysis? Does the company have a sector benchmark?
- In its internal and external communications, does the company explain why ESG issues are strategically important?
- Is there a clear commitment on the part of senior management, and is there widespread support at all levels of the company?
- How are stakeholders consulted on ESG issues?
- Is there a system in place to ensure consistency and connection between sustainability and financial information?
Management succession planning and talent development
- What does the company expect from a future CEO?
- What profiles, skills and experience are required to steer the development and execution of the company's long-term strategy?
- What skills will the company need that differ from those of the current CEO?
- Is management's talent management plan aligned with strategy and short- and long-term needs?
- Have the categories of employees subject to shortages been identified, and what is the company's policy for attracting and retaining them?
- What talent management strategy has been put in place, in light of the company's commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion?
Corporate culture and building stakeholder trust
- What misinformation campaigns could have a material impact on the company's activities, and who might be the likely perpetrators?
- What situations could cause stakeholders to lose confidence?
- What processes does the company have in place to prevent or counter misinformation (risk management, corporate communications, investor relations, legal advice)?
Distribution of roles between board committees
Board composition and succession planning