8 Surprising Ways Public Speaking Can Help You

8 Surprising Ways Public Speaking Can Help You

Speaking is a natural gift for many of us. We may have babbled our first word, then learned to yell on the playground, then spoke to our first crush, and finally, felt pretty good about how we spoke to someone we wanted to improess. Howver, did you know that you can work to improve yoru speaking skills for good?

As a person who has an interest in public speaking may have a gift of speaking (I had to work for mine and you can too). I didn't just step into Les Browns speaking Academy. I have to be accepted. My journey is unique, and its been very rewarding. I have had the chance to meet thousnads of peole, travel to the coasts just this past couple months and I keep getting calls to speak and insprire and motivate others.

I am so glad I had training because I jsut set up a call with a Book publisher for my memoir. There are things you haven't thought about but I am here to tell you some of the ways you can use speaking to improve your lfie.

Here are 8 surprising benefits of public speaking:

  1. Speaking Boosts Confidence: Regularly speaking in front of others can significantly boost your self-confidence, both on stage and in everyday life. If people told you "you talk too much" or didn't respond to you when you talked, this is for you!
  2. Speaking Enhances Critical Thinking: Preparing for speeches encourages you to think critically, organize your thoughts, and develop clear, persuasive arguments. This helps in work situations when you need to respond and be taken seriously. This also helps when communicating with people in a way that makes you effective in negoatations and interactions with other people. It will make them want to come back and talk to you again.
  3. Speaking Strengthens Leadership Skills: Effective public speaking helps you become a more inspiring and influential leader, able to motivate and guide others. This can be at work, at home (ahem, kids!, for the parents out there) or on the job.
  4. Speaking Improves Communication in Personal Relationships: The skills you develop in public speaking, like active listening and clear expression, can enhance your communication in personal relationships.
  5. Speaking Promotes Personal Growth: Public speaking pushes you out of your comfort zone, fostering personal growth and resilience.
  6. Speaking Expands our Professional Network: Speaking engagements provide opportunities to meet new people, including potential clients, partners, and mentors, expanding your professional network.
  7. Speaking Increases Job Opportunities: Strong public speaking skills are highly valued by employers, making you a more attractive candidate for promotions and new job opportunities.
  8. Speaking Enhances Persuasion Skills: Public speaking teaches you how to influence and persuade others, a skill that is useful in negotiations, sales, and everyday interactions.

Among all the changes in our world, we need to be able to speak to Feel more confident, to get our point across, to think critically, to be a better leader, to grow personally and professionally and provides more opportunity.

Connect with a Speaking Coach today and sew how your life changes.

Alicia Pozsony is a Transformational Speaker, Coach and host of Resilient YOU with Alicia Pozsony. Providing Solutions for decades, Alicia experienced underachievement, failed relationships, abuse, and worse. Once she put her ‘Power Your Life’ Practice to work, she developed her own behavior-based Empowerment strategies to Empower Women in personal and professional areas of their life and in business. A featured presenter at conferences in the U.S. and abroad, she is the #1 best-selling author of Emotional Strength Explained. Get Alicia’s free self-evaluation, at www.aliciapozsony.com.

For more info: info.aliciapozsony.com Alicia pozsony (mykajabi.com)


