I manifested a whole NEW LIFE once I started practicing these

-I moved to Portugal (got an official invite through the start-up visa program)

-made more money than ever

-wrote 2 books ("The Co-Creation Formula" and "The VLoompies")

-composed music ("Timeless")

-found my purpose

-launched my soul business

-travelled to my dream destinations

-stayed at my dream luxury hotels

-bought myself anything I wanted

And more importantly

I feel deeply fulfilled and I love my life.

I feel peace within.

I live in flow and trust.

Everything I want comes to me with ease.

And in every challenging situation I know what to do!

1. I got very clear on what I wanted from life. I made a list of things I wanted to experience and have.

I call them INTENTIONS not dreams.

There is an energetic difference between dreams, desires and intentions - you’ll find a lesson about this inside one of the lessons in my app Unlock (download it on iOS and android and get a 3 days free trial)

2. I wrote the perfect scenario of my life and got into the details. Like how am I feeling living in my dream home, what do I do every morning? What am I thinking? etc

You’ll find the exact process in the Quantum Jumping lesson inside UNLOCK app.

3. I took radical responsibility and stopped blaming anyone/life. Because I realized my reality will always be a reflection of my subconscious beliefs. And I began healing. I regulated my nervous system first because that is the foundation. I did shadow work. I studied the subconscious mind to understand how we create our reality.

4. My number one priority became going deeper into the subconscious mind and transforming any beliefs and programs that were holding me back from the life I deeply wanted.

The reason why our dreams don’t manifest is because there is resistance from the subconscious mind. This is the step that 99% of people skip.

There are various exercises, practices and tools around rewiring the subconscious mind inside my app Unlock. We have created a process where every day you unlock one mission to start programing your reality without the overwhelm.

5. I learned how to surrender. And yes, you can learn this.There is an in depth lesson about surrendering inside my app Unlock.

6. I started implementing little but consistent steps daily to keep me in the energy of the version of me that is already living the dream life. For example, noticing the abundance around me. As I mentioned previously inside my app you’ll find daily steps with missions that will help you embody the future version of you every day.

7. I started connecting to my intuition because that is our inner compass, the voice we need to listen to. Our intuition is connected to our Soul and subconscious mind and even our futureself. When we’re in tune, we’re guided to our most fulfilling and abundant life.

8. I started taking aligned action instead of pushing myself to work harder. How do you know what aligned action to take? You connect to your intuition. You reprogram certain subconscious beliefs, for example, around self-worth and success. For example, I believed success can only come through challenges and hard work. And that’s why I created a reality where struggle was inevitable. I talk about this also in my book “The Co-creation formula”. When I rewired this belief, I started attracting my desires with ease and flow.

You’ll also find a special “Aligned Action” meditation inside my app.

These are only a FEW things that helped me shift my reality and attract my desires with ease.

After 5+ years manifesting I created an app.

I call it Lazy Manifestation!

Through the roadmap I created for you, you’ll learn how to

manifest the right way

reprogram your subconscious mind

connect to your intuition

find your purpose in life

attract wealth

feel peace and fulfillment

manifest love

and sooooo much more

Everyday you’ll unlock one MISSION, which makes it easy and effortless to follow and practice.

There are meditations, lessons, different practices like breathwork, exercises etc - all based on neuroscience, psychology, energetics and even quantum physics.


You can download UNLOCK on iOS and Android.

Download UNLOCK today and start creating the life you deserve.

Apple App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/unlock-your-desired-life/id6670170202

Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.unlockapp.app.android


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