8 Steps to Carbon Neutrality
Techies Go Green
We're Empowering Tech To Go Green | Supporting our community with the aim of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.
How does a business become carbon neutral? The question on everyone’s lips. The answer is that the onus is on all of us to join the fight to reduce our carbon emissions – and it is not difficult for anyone to reduce their emissions. Here are some practical measures that businesses can take to cut carbon emissions, minimise climate change, and show their customers that they are a responsible business partner
1. Measure your current CO2 emissions
There is an old adage – what gets measured gets managed.
The first thing to do is to understand where you are starting from. What is your current level of carbon emissions and what are the sources of these emissions? Once you understand your starting point, then you can work out where the opportunities are for reducing emissions. In general business CO2 emissions come from using energy – electricity for light, IT, cooling, thermal energy for space, process and water heating, and transport fuels for business travel.
2. Start with low cost energy efficiency measures
There are many ways to save energy without capital investment
Space heating/cooling
Hot Water
3. Energy Efficient measures requiring investment
Space Heat
4. Green Procurement - Purchase Refurbished and Recycled IT Equipment
When buying new equipment use Life Cycle Cost analysis to ensure that you buy the equipment that makes most sense for your business over it’s lifetime taking into account the up front cost plus ongoing energy and maintenance costs.. Check out more details about the Circular Economy here.
5. Energy Efficient Design
When upgrading any facility, or building a new facility, it is essential to design in energy efficiency at the earliest stage in the design process when the greatest energy saving opportunities are available. This will save energy but – if done correctly – it often also results in lower capital costs.
6. Green electricity procurement
Having applied the energy efficiency first principles to reduce your electricity consumption, consider buying electricity from a verified renewable electricity provider.
7. On site Renewable energy
On site renewable energy is becoming more attractive as technologies improve and costs fall.
8. Carbon offsetting
When you have gone through the above steps to minimise your carbon footprint, if you want to become carbon neutral, or carbon negative, you can buy?carbon offsets - for example you could invest in tree planting which will remove CO2 from the atmosphere. It is important that the carbon offsets that you purchase are verifiable to avoid greenwashing.
The Techies Go Green Mission
Techies Go Green is a movement of IT and tech-oriented companies who are committed to decarbonising their businesses and making them green and verifiably sustainable.
We will enable each member to purposefully improve their energy efficiency by collaborating and sharing practical know-how with the main aim of making every signatory carbon neutral by 2030.
Useful links:
If you'd like to learn more about Techies Go Green and what we're doing for the industry, you can visit our website here.
If your company would like to become a Techies Go Greeen signatory, you can sign up here.
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