8 Smart Mice Hanging Out in the Bar!
Dan Harkey
Educator and Private Money Real Estate Lending Consultant | 30,000 + connections
By Dan Harkey
Educator and Private Money Finance Consultant
949 533 8315 [email protected], Visit www.danharkey.com
A premier member of the medical establishment, Pfizer, a biopharmaceutical company, accosted eight mice and forced them into a testing procedure for COVID booster shots. ?Against their will, each mouse was forcibly injected with unproven and foreign substances.? Each mouse became delirious because of the repeated pokes. ?The mice were chosen rather than humans.
Pfizer fooled the public into believing that significant scientific trials had occurred. ?The medical establishment’s apparent goals were political expediency, profits, and control of the masses.
The medical establishment referred to the mice as Mouseka Volunteers for a positive spin on public relations to satisfy the crazies and the animal rights advocates. ??A memory, back to the days of the Mickey Mouse Club, prompted a similar borrowed name. ?Touchy-Feely propaganda spin language like Volunteers is always convenient to keep the masses happy and pretend that something good is occurring regardless of the negative results—and, In this case, possibly catastrophic health and potentially deadly consequences.
The mice formed a bond and committed to each other, a form of brotherhood (sisterhood in some cases) that they would support each other through the draconian testing and look forward to meeting up at the local Bar for a celebration.
Few Humans were tested by injections with Pfizer’s most recent booster. ?The eight famous mice were tested as an alternative before the FDA and the CDC authorized the booster shots. ?
Recently, a senior Pfizer executive admitted under oath that the company never tested their ‘vaccine’ to see if it prevented transmission,’ or if the vaccine might have adverse side effects.
Question: Rob Roos, a member of the European Parliament:
“Was the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?? Did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market?”
Answer: ???By Pfizer’s Janine Small, president of developed international markets:
“No- you know, we had to move at the speed of science to know what is happening in the market.”
Rob Roos of the Netherlands commented:
“Millions of people worldwide felt forced to get vaccinated because of the myth that ‘you do it for others,’ Now, this was a cheap lie and “should be exposed.”
Back in 2020, the Food and Drug Administration stated:
“At this time, data are not available to determine how long the vaccine will provide protection, nor is there evidence that the vaccine prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from person to person.”
It turns out that “trust the science,” “speed of science,” and “trust the professionals” were frauds and a farce at an international level.? Hundreds of millions of folks were forced and pressured into taking the vaccine. ?Doing the right thing or following minimal or non-existent scientific research was chosen rather than losing their jobs and being subjected to harassment by employers, family persecution, and social isolation.
Mainstream media was in lockstep with the government and the medical establishment.? After all, what would any halfway intelligent person think?? The medical establishment is the primary source of paid advertisements that provide the media billions of dollars of revenue. ?Symbiotic relationships between the government, mainstream media, and corporate interests are a reliable partnership.
Hundreds of thousands of folks injected have had permanent damage and, in some cases, violently painful injuries and died.? They became victims of unconscionable corporate profit-motivated greed and exploitation with no possible liability recourse.
As the COVID vaccines promoted to be created at warp speed, major companies such as Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, J&J, and AstraZeneca have made hundreds of billions of dollars of profits while being shielded from fraud, responsibility, or liability. ?It was easy for the medical establishment to dwell in their cozy castles of potential lies and malice. ?They understood that the government had their back as a shield from liability.
Therein lies the definition of “SCAMDEMIC,” which the famous mice helped expose.? But they are now hanging their hats on receiving a “Nobel Mouse Prize” for their critical thinking discovery.
Back to the Mice:
Later, eight mice were sitting at the Bar, each half-drunk, sipping on their Bloody Marys. ?They insist on a double pour of premium Vodka when they make their own Bloody.?
One mouse was swirling the celery stick in his Bloody Mary.? Two others were hunched over in a competition bob for the green olives at the bottom of his Bloody Mary glass. ?The contest was between the two mice who could get the first olive out of the bottom of the glass and eat it. ?
One mouse said to his drunk friends, “Have you had the CDC-approved COVID-19 vaccine shot?” One olive bobber said with slurred words and bloody mix all over his whiskers, “No, absolutely not; I am waiting for long-term safety testing on humans before I make the decision.” “Let them take the jab, get sick and die. ?There is no way that I am signing up for that foolish game. ??Any intelligent and respectable mouse will refuse to be a guinea pig for uncharted human experimental testing. ?By the way, guinea pigs have more biological similarities to humans than we do. ?Go for it, but leave us alone.”
Humans will sacrifice mice but not themselves.? The medical establishment, however, does not appear to mind sacrificing mice or people’s lives when they see enormous profits.? Sacrifice the people would seem to be “no problem.” The cause of death will be reported as one of three: 1) COVID-19, 2) natural, and 3) unknown.
The most intellectual olive bobber thinks the American people were deceived by the Administrative State, media, medical establishment, and industrial complexes, which seem to have declared warfare on its people. ?The olive bobber said the government was taking this avenue because there was insufficient money to pay for its false promises to the masses.
They are trying to isolate, control, cancel, propagandize, and undermine all positive human interactions essential for creating human dignity and lasting relationships.
By destroying Western and human culture, they can replace it with a techno-fascist and centralized government controlling one’s every movement—artificial intelligence, security cameras, and hidden spy cameras that allow 24/7 surveillance.
The FDA and the CDC, along with members of the Cabal, demanded that its people wear dehumanizing and ineffective masks that symbolized obedience and submission to the new totalitarian order. ?The government even went so far as to require “vaccine passports” to oppressively control the masses’ actions, movements, thoughts, and mobility. ?Of course, punishing and isolating any non-compliant independent thinkers was necessary to ensure the “Status Quo” power and control.
The eight mice belong to an elite group of critical thinkers called MouseThink. In their meetings, they regularly discuss issues and observations related to U.S. social stratification and governance.
The real history of Sars-Coronavirus:
Our most significant threats are not from Russia or China or some other foreign entity but clearly from our governing elites within our borders.? The “scamdemic” has been the greatest act of tyranny in the U.S.
These brilliant mice know that some humans were forced into taking the jab and possibly suffered massively negative consequences, including death.? The mice were not dumb enough to sign up for clinical testing if humans were willing to sign up for the (jab) job.
MouseThink has warned Americans that it is time to take their country back or risk losing it forever. ?Now, these are some brilliant and feisty mice.
I hope you enjoy my humorous effort.
Thank You
Dan Harkey