8 Signs You’re Over-Functioning At Work
Melody Wilding, LMSW
Author of MANAGING UP & TRUST YOURSELF | Award-Winning Executive Coach to Sensitive Strivers | LinkedIn Top Voice | Professor of Human Behavior | Keynote Speaker | HBR Contributor
?? FREE TRAINING:?Discover a game-changing approach that’s helped THOUSANDS of highly sensitive high-achievers just like you rise above overthinking, overwhelm, overworking and more. CLICK HERE to register for the FREE training, 60 Minutes to Defeat Self-Sabotage, happening July 9th at 12pm.
Over-functioning at work means you are taking on too much responsibility and trying to control things that you can’t. When you over-function, you try to “fix” or “rescue” situations and people, because you fear that if you don’t, no one will.
Overfunctioning can masquerade as helpfulness.
For example, overfunctioners are quick to act. They are usually the first to raise their hand to volunteer for an assignment because they enjoy attacking a to-do list and seizing control. They are usually the co-worker who is always willing to lend a hand and pitch in when a team is short-staffed or a project is going sideways.
But, over-functioning has a dark side. Signs of over-functioning include:
Most of all, over-functioning at work manifests as doing tasks for others that they can do for themselves. In the workplace, this can look like:
Over-functioning, Under-functioning, and Burnout
It may be clear why I also refer to over-functioning as?heroing. You’re constantly in a fear-based, reactive mode trying to “save” everyone around you in?an attempt to maintain some semblance of control, validation, or security.
However, when you assume too much responsibility, it creates a dynamic where others can?under-function. You become the consummate student in a group project who ends up doing all the work and then feeling resentful for doing so.
When you assume responsibility for “fixing” situations and rescuing other people, they don’t have to do their part, which can be frustrating at best and damaging at worst. And as a result of their constant pace and self-sacrifice, overfunctioners tend to be?prone to burnout.
How to Stop Over-functioning at Work
You may feel like you are being generous and helpful by over-functioning, but in actuality, it’s coming at the expense of your own mental health and the quality of your relationships.?Overextending yourself?and carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders isn’t good for you – nor does it allow the people you work with or others in your life to step up, grow, and lead themselves in the way they need to.
Overfunctioning is a habit that takes years to get set in place and takes a long time to unravel. The process doesn’t happen overnight. But that doesn’t mean you need to continue being a victim of it. Here’s how to take small steps to stop over-functioning, starting today.
Self-awareness is always the first step to creating change. So pay attention – when do you find yourself taking on more than your fair share of the workload or responsibility in a project or relationship?
In particular, look for areas where you feel an outsized sense of resentment. That is, you feel overworked, underappreciated, or otherwise not recognized for your efforts. Resentment is a strong emotional signal that you are over-functioning, and it can guide you toward specific situations that need changing.
Overfunctioning is driven by deeply held – but unhelpful – beliefs about the way the world?should?work and your responsibilities within that. For example, you may believe that your duty as a manager is to provide air cover for your team. In other words, to take on small, monotonous tasks below your pay grade in an effort to protect your team’s time.
In the case of one of my clients, she realized her overfunctioning was doing a disservice to her company. By spending her time on lower-value work, she wasn’t fulfilling the organization’s objectives, and was letting the executive team and board down. She began to value her time and efforts more, freeing up more bandwidth to focus on strategic, bigger-picture work that could make a larger impact.
Consider what stories, scripts, or “rules” you’ve been holding yourself to. Which are no longer helpful or true? What needs updating or refreshing to allow you to be at your best professionally and personally?
You have probably conditioned your boss, co-workers, friends, and family to treat you like a push-over. They have probably come to regard you as the one who is “always there,” always says “yes”, and is willing to be overly accommodating to their preferences and desires.
The good news is that these relationship dynamics can be changed. But it requires that you begin to respect your time and energy. After all, you can’t expect others to honor your boundaries unless you uphold them as well. That may mean:
Get better at delegation, taking it slow at first. Look for opportunities for others to take on pieces of work that you are currently doing. Also, coach your colleagues and team members. Instead of automatically fixing an issue for them, engage them in thoughtful questioning instead. Ask about what they’ve already tried, solutions they’ve considered, and how they might approach the problem.
You’ll likely be surprised by how enthusiastically the people around you step up once you step back. Delegating and taking a coaching approach empowers them to build confidence and agency and also creates greater efficiency. It’s important, though, that you be comfortable letting others do things imperfectly, make mistakes, and approach them differently than you would.
Last,?leave unstructured time in your schedule. Prove to yourself it’s safe to exist without being productive every second of the day.
?? FREE TRAINING:?Discover a game-changing approach that’s helped THOUSANDS of highly sensitive high-achievers just like you rise above overthinking, overwhelm, overworking and more. CLICK HERE to register for the FREE training, 60 Minutes to Defeat Self-Sabotage, happening July 9th at 12pm.
Project/Programme Manager expert in delivering digital change & business transformation projects that enhance operational efficiency, elevate customer experience & support strategic business goals
4 个月Melody Wilding, LMSW a really useful read and pertinent to where I find myself with my work at the moment. I particularly like the 'teach people how to treat you' and creating healthier boundaries. It's so easy to reach out and check emails in the evening and feel a sense of needing to respond when you read them. Thank you for your insight and share on this.
Great topic
Copywriter for heart-centered female coaches, course creators, and healers ?? I write done-for-you sales pages, emails, websites, and blogs ? Ditch the pre-launch stress and sell out your offers with ease.
4 个月Oh I really felt that third one, my empathy was the leading cause of my emotional exhaustion until I learned to set healthier boundaries and honor my needs too ???? Melody Wilding, LMSW
Badass Brands for Badass Women
4 个月My empathy is my superpower and my achilles heel! The best advice someone ever game me was... "Ari, you have a gift. You have this luxurious high-performance sports car of empathy and it's amazing. But did you know before you buy a high-performance sports car, they take you on a specialty track to learn how to drive it?" I told her I didn't know that but it made sense. She said "If they don't teach you how to drive it, you will crash it. Right now, you keep crashing because you don't know how to drive your high-performance sports car." She then taught me boundaries, listening to my body, and speaking my truth, living in alignment and integrity. It was the best lesson anyone ever taught me about superpowers. What's one powerful story, metaphor, or analogy that resonated with you?
Tourism professional | Historian | Curator
4 个月I feel like this is very applicable to division of labor in the household as well. It's a struggle to sometimes remind myself that my children are capable of many of the tasks needed to get themselves out the door (can you tell we had a rough morning getting to camp?) but they might take more time doing them - I just have to build that time into our routines.