8 Secret Things That Tell You A LOT About Someone
Let's face it...
95% of people are creatures who live with certain ingrained habits.
What if you could dissect some of the most common traits and habits and use them to increase your ability to read, convince, and persuade people into things that will help them make big impact?
As I always state...
These things can be used for evil, so as you continue to read each word of this post over the next 3 minutes and 21 seconds we agree that you will only use these tactics for good, and not for evil.
I think we can agree that learning how to read people is a psychological superpower.
Here's the great news... it's learned behavior.
It's not something that people can just do.
This is great news because it allows people like you and I to continue building our communications abilities in a way that only the elite sales pros stay focused on.
It’s possible to glean a ton of information about others simply by paying attention.
Enhanced insight on these 8 secrets came from a recent article I read on medium.com by a fellow named Ayodeji Awosika.
In my world, I only seek HUNGRY biz owners.
So I will use this as a basis for the explanation of each of the secrets.
SECRET #1: Watch how they treat service professionals.
The way someone treats people who work in retail, food service, and hospitality will tell you about everything you ever need to know.
Employees in these spaces are required to "be nice" to every customer in their space because they are graded on the golden rule of "the customer is always right".
So if you're in a situation where you can observe how a prospect or potential client treats these people, you will gain a lot of clarity into how they may treat you.
If you see prospects treat these people poorly, it shows they have low integrity, empathy, and even self-respect, because someone with self-respect never has to act as if they’re above anyone.
SECRET #2: How polite are they?
People often point out how “polite” I am, and it’s so strange to me.
It’s shocking to find out how rare it is for people to have basic manners.
That’s why whenever I meet a person who says “please” and “thank you” often, I know I’m dealing with someone who’s socially intelligent.
You can make someone’s day, reduce friction during interactions, and move through life much more easily by saying those simple words.
SECRET #3: Do they ooze confidence when they walk?
When Barack Obama walks into a room, you can feel it.
He has a palpable sense of confidence: He’s simultaneously friendly, powerful, and attention-grabbing, though he’s never seeking validation.
When I see this type of swagger in others, I’m captivated.
If you haven't read "The Art of Charm", here's a secret tip using NLP and body language tips.
It's called the "Doorway technique".
Basically, the principle behind this technique is to 'anchor' confident body language to something you commonly see during the day, in this case, a doorway.
Each time you walk through the doorway, allow it to be a trigger for you to check your body language.
Are you standing upright, shoulders back, confident, and present?
If not, allow the visual appearance of the doorway to get the "pep" back into your step.
SECRET 4: How do they respond in slightly uncomfortable situations
Once, I was standing in line at Chipotle and overheard the man in front of me ask for queso on his burrito.
The employee didn’t hear him, so the man’s partner looked at him as if to say, “Aren’t you going to repeat yourself?”
But he didn’t.
Why? Because he’d have to experience the slightest social friction.
It’s a low-stakes example, but situations like these can be a clue to how a person moves through their life — and how they’d handle the bigger things, where the social friction is greater.
Are they willing to get a bit uncomfy, or will they stay quiet because it feels safer?
SECRET 5: Do they celebrate good fortune of others
While the HUNGRY business owner is competitive and usually has a massive desire to win at all costs, she is humble enough to observe, respect, congratulate, and encourage anyone they encounter in a positive direction.
To figure out whether a person tends to support or envy those who are successful, watch their facial expressions or listen to the subtle hints in their language.
A “concern troll” is someone who disingenuously expresses concern about something when they’re really just trying to undermine a person.
Imagine someone talking about how they made a bunch of money with their latest business venture, and then another person responds by saying, “Gosh, you’re going to have to pay a lot in self-employment taxes. Make sure you’re saving.”
Ask yourself whether their intention is to help out, or to throw a bit of shade.
SECRET 6: What framework do they use around responsibilities and challenges?
Do you “have to” work on the technical aspects of your business, or do you “get to” learn valuable technical skills to help your business grow?
When you listen to people talk about the things on their plate, you can get a sense of whether they view life through a lens of victimhood or of agency.
Language is powerful.
SECRET 7: How do they respond to the phrase “How have you been?” or “What’s new?”?
In nearly every convo we start with a simple salutation and greeting like, "How have you been?" or "What's new?".
And I always get excited on hearing the reply.
Many people give the default responses: “good,” “okay,” or “same ‘ol.”
When this happens in a sales convo, it can drastically affect the convo momentum.
You want to gravitate toward people who always seem to be up to something.
The ones who light up when they talk about their side project, cool hobbies, or ideas they’ve been thinking about.
For me, I typically say, "Hey <NAME>, how are things going? Are you working on anything new?"
I use this specific language because I tested a lot of other intros and found this allows me to bypass them being able to reply with a default response and dive into what they're working on.
Again, the HUNGRY ones are ALWAYS up to something.
Listen for it... You'll hear it!
SECRET 8: How do children and dogs respond to them?
Something I admire about children is their ability to be more present than most adults.
I assume it's because they don't have as much education in their brains as adults, but I swear that children seem to have a sixth sense about people.
Based on research from experts, children's capacities for elaborate reasoning aren’t fully developed, so young kids will focus on your “vibe.”
They don’t base their opinions of you on what you say or how you try to come across — rather, they narrow in on your facial expressions and the way you carry yourself.
When you’re not fully present with them, believe me, they know.
With all of this said, these are practical tips that anyone can pick up and use today.
And all this comes back to 2 words...
Then use what you observed to your advantage in helping your prospects get involved with your product or service so they can make the biggest impact or solve the problem you're a specialist in.
Cheers... and Happy Selling!
-sean ??
Go. ??. Fight. ??. Win. ??.
Ps... Are you a HUNGRY biz owner focused on selling to other businesses? Is your business growing as fast as you'd like it to? No? Then apply for our inner circle so we can give you the secrets to flooding your calendar systematically, and automatically with perfectly qualified opportunity daily without you having to invest eons of time doing it. There is a different way. A new way. Apply to join by clicking here. We're selective and we personally interview EVERY member of our inner circle to make sure they're the right fit.
Director Of Fleet And Facilities at SYSCO Las Vegas Inc.(Retired)
4 年So true.