8 Reasons why you dont get any text response
? Unnecessary Greetings
A common but very annoying thing is when you get a message and all you read is 'Hi'. There is no real introduction, no conversation, or any kind of communication or question at all. For a person who is very busy or who has a lot on their plate, this is a big reason for just deleting the message or letting it be where it is without any responses. Please, never just text someone a 'Hi'. Don’t think someone wants to put in their time when you didn’t take any time in it as well. Personally, i just delete the message and move on.
? You didn’t do your Research
Something i recognized a lot lately is, that i get messages from people who ask me for a job. What is kinda weird because I’m, not a company or a recruiter. It even doesn’t stand in my portfolio or any social media site. So the only way why a person sends you this is obvious. They didn’t do the research about you. They just randomly write a text once and send it to all kinds of people. There is nothing bad to send your portfolio to people, but then make sure they are a company or a recruiter at least. Most artists can’t help you with that and even more, don’t want to when they don’t know you at all. Take your time to do the research before you send any text. And please don’t write their name wrong or say a totally different name... (that happens more often than you think..)
? Rough Schedule. No Time
Of course, a big thing is just not having enough time to respond to people. When it comes to choosing important tasks, then mostly replying to a stranger is not at top of the priority list. What makes a lot of sense. Staying in touch with a community and people is important, but we all have to make priorities what is really important, what can wait, and what can be forgotten. And this is different for everybody.
? Full Inbox
Sometimes you have so many messages that you can easily overlook them. Especially when you have a high follower account somewhere or when you are a very highly requested person. I know from myself that replying to messages or any kind of comments can take a few hours. We can easily lose ourselves in it when we don’t take care of that. So please have in mind that the person you texted has probably hundreds of other messages in their inboxes.
? Just don’t want to Respond
Well, yes. This is something we all have to deal with as well. No matter how nice or friendly your message was, or how short you wrote it to keep it simple. There will be always people out there who just don’t want to respond to people they don’t know. And that’s totally fine. Not everybody wants to talk to all kinds of people. Texting back can be draining, i totally understand that. Also, some people just want to give their time to people they know like friends and family. Nothing wrong with that. No one is forced to reply, so there is just the tip of not holding any grudge against that person and just moving on.
? Not coming to the Point
People often don’t reply because the message is way too long when you easily could shrink it down to a minimum of a few sentences. Reading a text in a conscious mind so that you can understand the meaning of it properly takes time and also grabs away some energy. People can easily feel overwhelmed by long messages. So my tip. Keep it short.
? Making the other person feel uncomfortable
Not sure if this resonates more with women, but there are very weird people out there who don’t have any respect or manners. It’s sadly pretty common to get messages who have sexist, harassing, or bullying words in them. It’s normal that you don’t get any responses and probably land in the spam folder after sending those. I don’t believe people who read this here are like that, but if you are someone who writes those disrespectful messages. Don’t wonder when nobody is texting you back.
? You are already well-known as a bad person
Well, what can i say? In today’s age, words, stories, and actions can go viral pretty easily and quickly over the whole world. So there is a high chance that people you don’t know, already know YOU and your behaviors and attitude. People are talking to each other and rarely forget when you do something stupid or when you act like an asshole. So be careful with what you are saying and how you are acting. When you do it with one person, doesn’t mean that this will stay with one person. Also keep in mind, that even when people don’t talk about it, they still never forget it.
I mean, people can change, and you also shouldn’t listen too much to other people’s opinions. Build your own opinion on each person and then decide. Be open-minded but also be aware when you already heard stories.
Student at Amity University Mumbai
2 年Thanks for posting
Character Art Director
2 年This was a really interesting read. Thanks for this.
Mainland technology-MLVACA? -Cartskit?
2 年thanks for sharing ??