8 Paradoxical Habits of Wildly Successful People
You know what they say about opinions—everybody has one. If you want to see that truth in action, just Google “characteristics of successful people.” Some of the results will undoubtedly point to the famous Marshmallow Study at Stanford, which demonstrated that the ability to delay gratification
But that’s far from the only theory:
And the list goes on and on. So, what is happening here? Why are there so many different theories, complete with the science to back them up, about the traits that contribute to success? I think it’s because most wildly successful people are complex—so complex that many of their defining qualities are paradoxical.
Rather than an “either/or” set of static characteristics, they’re more likely to demonstrate both. This is a key to their success. Here are some examples of what I’m referring to.
They’re polite, yet completely unafraid to rock the boat.?Successful people are, what I like to call, “graciously disruptive.” They’re never satisfied with the status quo. They’re the ones who constantly ask, “What if?” and “Why not?” They’re not afraid to challenge conventional wisdom
They’re deeply passionate, yet rational and objective about their work.?Successful people are passionate about their work, but they don’t let it skew their thinking. They have the ability to step back and look at their work with a critical eye and to accept their mistakes. If it’s a disaster, they’ll admit it, because they realize that it’s better to try something different than to put out something subpar with their name on it. That sense of detachment also allows them to accept feedback from others
They’re convergent and divergent thinkers.?Convergent thinking is what’s measured by IQ tests: rational thinking that typically results in a single right answer. Divergent thinking, on the other hand, is less precise. It’s about generating ideas and asking questions that have no solid right or wrong answers. Both are important. No matter how high your IQ is, you’re not going to be successful if you can’t think outside of the proverbial box
They’re both energetic and calm.?Successful people seem to have limitless energy when it comes to doing the things they’re passionate about, but they aren’t frantic. They can keep that energy under control. They work hard and focus on the task at hand with devoted concentration, but they’re so smooth that they make it look both easy and fun. Some people are so energetic that they’re hyperactive and unfocused and constantly bouncing from one thing to another. Successful people know how to harness their energy so that it works in the service of progress and doesn’t undermine it.
They like to work and play.?Successful people personify the often-repeated quote, “Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Because they love what they do, they find brainstorming, problem-solving, and grinding out tough projects thought-provoking, engaging, and deeply satisfying. And though they take their work very seriously, the enjoyment and gratification they derive from it blurs the common demarcation between work and play.
They’re ambiverts.?Successful people are comfortable acting in ways that amplify their introversion and extraversion, depending on what the situation calls for. They can sit in the back of a conference room and silently listen to what’s going on, or they can go up on stage, grab a microphone, and engage a huge crowd—and they look just as comfortable doing one as they do the other.
They’re na?ve and smart.?No one would argue that intelligence isn’t an important part of success, but many successful people also have a childlike lack of awareness (or maybe it’s a lack of respect) for the type of constraints that other people blindly accept. They’re not limited by what other people tell them is possible.
They’re both humble and proud.?Taking pride in your work is absolutely essential for success, but successful people know they wouldn’t be where they are without the people who came before them and those they’ve worked with along the way. They know that they didn’t achieve their success all on their own, and because they’re OK with that, they don’t have anything to prove. That’s why so many incredibly successful people end up coming across as grounded and humble when you meet them in person.
Bringing It All Together
The reason that there are so many different opinions on what traits are necessary for success—and the reason that so many of them contradict each other—is that successful people are complex. They have a wide variety of paradoxical skills that they call upon as needed, like a mechanic with a well-stocked toolbox.
What other paradoxical habits characterize successful people? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below, as I learn just as much from you as you do from me.
I'm the Chief People Scientist at LEADx. LEADx is a revolutionary new app that combines nudges, artificial intelligence and micro-learning to make new leadership behaviors stick. LEADx integrates your organization's leadership competencies with your preferred training methods (such as StrengthsFinder, Emotional Intelligence 2.0, Situational Leadership - SL II, Hogan, and DISC) into an integrated solution that bridges the learning-doing gap.?Click here to learn more about LEADx.
Program Technician @ State of California | Customer Success, Job Skills
9 个月I've always considered myself as paradoxical. Convergent and Divergent. Always thinking of a better way.
Human Resouces Coordinator at 7-Eleven | Photographer | Multilingual | Travel Enthusiast
3 年These are really good habits! I really resonate with the being deeply passionate yet being objective with the work folks do, and being humble and proud.
Catalina Canyon Inn
3 年Honestly, I felt like this was a description of myself! I will continue to utilize these tools in order to keep growing!!! thanks for this!
Top Voice in AI | CIO at TetraNoodle | Proven & Personalized Business Growth With AI | AI keynote speaker | 4x patents in AI/ML | 2x author | Travel lover ??
3 年Great article Dr. Travis! This small and smart team is what I call the Healthy High-performers who are balanced in many character traits.? Successful people are successful for a reason. It's not because they're abnormally talented or blessed with great timing.? It's because they've done something right and differently as well. There are certain habits that they've developed and continue to work on that enable them to achieve their goals, overcome obstacles, and live the life they want. And I agree, social skills are one of the most important factors contributing to success and also mental health. Thank you for sharing such an insightful piece.