8 Mistakes 99% of Salespeople Make

8 Mistakes 99% of Salespeople Make

Studies show a whopping 65% of sales people fall short of their sales goals?

But Why?

Because they make common mistakes everyone can easily avoid, if they know them.

Here are the 8 Biggest Blunders nearly ALL sales people make every day!

  1. So-so 1st Impression
  2. Talking Too Much
  3. Asking Average Questions
  4. Missing the Emotion Factor
  5. No Differentiation
  6. Average Communication
  7. Low Authority Factor
  8. Not Building Massive Value

Let's review all 8 of the mistakes salespeople make and the things you can do to be certain you nail it on every sales call.

#1 So-so 1st Impression

Failing to make a Fantastic First Impression is one of the first failure-points most salespeople make. It's happens in the blink of an eye. Studies show that prospects decide whether or not they are willing to buy from you in the first 1/10th of a second.

Let that sink in for a moment.

You have to get this one right, and most people don’t. But why?

Because they don’t give it great enough attention and value. You must make your first impression important if you want to crush it in sales. Take the time to think through how you will come across to a prospective buyer. Evaluate everything from your eye contact, to your smile, your handshake to your very first words. Why? Because they matter.

Starting weak or coming across as average is not a great way to begin to build relationships that result in sales.

Pay attention to your grooming, wardrobe, posture, and those all important first phrases. Using the word good or great in your first sentence is smart. Good is actually better than great because it evokes strength and solidity. (i.e. "Good to meet you")

#2 Talking Too Much

This is by far the most common mistake most salespeople make. People are turned off by talkative sales people. What they want is sales people who have empathy. It’s a huge twist on sales methods of the past. People need to know you understand what they’re going through on their buying journey.

There are 2 main reasons sales people talk too much. The first is that they are self-focused. Everything is about them. If you’ve ever been stuck at a party with that type person you can’t wait to get away from them.

Nobody is more boring than the person who does all the talking. Being self absorbed is death to sales. But what is the 2nd reason people talk too much in a sales conversation? Nerves. When we are nervous, many people feel the need to talk to break the silence.

They also think that if they keep speaking, the prospect can’t ask any hard questions or raise an objection. You should be speaking 1/3rd of the time. Let the prospect have their time to talk. There are powerful reasons to do this. One is because you need to hear and understand their priorities and concerns. You can only do this by listening. But perhaps more importantly is this.

When people talk about themselves it triggers the same pleasure center as receiving money or food. A chemical is released in our brain’s that makes us feel great.

Let prospects talk. Ask questions about their favorite subject... them. The listen.

#3 Asking Average Questions

Asking common questions causes you to be seen as average. Prospects look for differences between product offerings and sales people. They take notice when people seem brighter and more knowledgeable on a subject.

You need to not only stand out but stand out as an authority and an expert in your field. Becoming a trusted advisor is one of the biggest keys to soaring sales. You do that by asking great questions. Question other people don’t ask. Questions that cause them to think.

Want to be noticed by your prospect and seen as smarter, more engaging and a better choice? Then start asking Better Questions than every one of your competitors. Coming up with powerful, game-changing questions takes time. But it pays off massively.

Create a list of questions that stimulate thought, conversation and prospects to consider your offering. What are the questions that would steer them towards choosing you?

#4 Missing the Emotion Factor

Many sales people think sales is about convincing people intellectually they are a better choice. Studies show that ALL buying decisions are made emotionally.

It can be that they feel smarter by getting the best price. It could be about keeping out of trouble from those above them. It could be to feel a sense of pride by making the smartest choice or getting the best products to solve a problem.

No matter what the reason, we make our buying decisions using emotions. Most sales people completely miss this one. Even those few who intellectually understand the power of emotions do little if anything to intentionally create emotions during their sales conversations.

Do you think that most sales managers have sales meetings and take the time to do role playing to teach their sales people how they can create the biggest emotional impact? No. It simply doesn’t happen.

You need to be able to create the right buying emotions during your sales conversations.

#5 No Differentiation

In his book “Differentiate or Die” author Jack Trout says “The key to success in business is to be different in the mind of the prospect. Sales Guru Jeffrey Gitomer says 4 words are the key making sales, "Perceived Value and Perceived Difference”.

Here’s the problem. Everyone thinks they’re different and better. Sales people look for and see every little thing they offer as significant, obvious to others and of high value. The problem is, the prospect doesn’t. You need to be radically clear in a prospect's mind that you are not only different, but better. Better in ways that matter to them, not you.

Take the time to write out, critique and sharpen the BIG reasons you are different and how you will make those points clear to every prospect, every time, in every sales conversation.

#6 Average Communication

Most people are mediocre at communication. The problem is, almost all of us see ourselves as better than the rest. It’s actually a proven scientific principle. It’s called Illusory Superiority, or the Lake Wobegon Effect.

Most people see themselves as smarter, luckier and better looking than most people. That doesn’t math out. Most people cannot be better than everyone else.

When it comes to communication, we see ourselves as just fine. In fact, we think we’re pretty smart at it. "I mean c’mon, I’ve been doing it since I was born. I've got this!"

The truth is, most people are not great communicators. Here’s a good test. In the past 3 months, has someone stopped you and told "You are a great communicator" ? If not, you’re probably not. You're most likely average. Here’s the good news.

Most people will never take the time to become great at this significant skill. If you take the time, do the work to become great at communicating clearly, it will payoff in every area of your life from your sales numbers to your relationships.

By the way, communication is the #1 skill looked for in promotions and hiring of people for management positions. So if you were overlooked for a promotion it may not be because of a lack of performance, but simply a lack of being great at communication.

Set aside time to study ways you can become a better communicator. I've spent 8 years studying this topic and I've found 2 shocking facts. 1) There's very little legitimate training out there on how to communicate great, and 2) There is always more to understand that can help you and me communicate better.

If you are diligent, you can find some powerful tips on how to improve this key skill.

#7 Low Authority Factor

Don’t feel bad. This one took me 30 years to figure out. It's seldom taught to sales people. While rapport (likability) is important to sales, authority is equally important, and almost never used. Most sales people are NOT seen as an authority.

If people like you, they will be open to buying from you. But if you are not seen as credible, as someone who is an authority or expert in your field, prospect won’t feel compelled to follow your advice and make the purchase you are recommending. It’s called the Authority / Approachability Factor. You need to be liked, but you must be seen as the authority to sell at the highest levels.

I’ve watched this one in action. Working with one of the largest kitchen and bath sales companies in the world, I saw people with high credibility and no rapport, others with huge rapport and low authority, and those who possessed BOTH. Guess who won over and over again? You guessed it. The ones with both high likeability and high authority.

I've written on this subject before. You can search articles I've written on LinkedIn or search the web to find posts other experts have written about "Authority in Sales".

#8 Not Building Massive Value

This is one of the most common blunders sales people make. They make their same ‘ol pitch they always make, and just assume the prospect sees value in their offer. Asking for the sale before you have built massive value is a big mistake.

Value, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

You must make certain you have built massive value in the mind of a prospect BEFORE you ask for the sale. It must surpass the value of their hard earned money prior to asking any closing questions.

Sales people are always interested in learning “closing techniques” but fail to create high value in their offering in the mind of their prospects. The value has to be so high in their mind that it is easy to part with the price you are asking. Here's an example.

If you see a value of $40,000 for a vehicle and the salesman is asking $ 70,000, will you buy? Of course not. If you see a value of $ 80,000 and he is asking $ 75,000, you'll buy.

Asking too early is pointless. Watch for signals from prospects that they see huge value in your offer. Make certain that value is so large that it outweighs the value of the money in their wallet.

These are the 8 most common mistakes salespeople make every day.

Avoid these pitfalls and you'll find the sales success you are looking for.

Whether you're a salesperson or sales manager, eliminating these career-killers will be the most significant thing you do all year to boost sales, and create more customers.

Here’s to your success!

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About the author: Kirk Heiner has over 30 years experience in the Kitchen Bath Industry. He helps showroom owners & managers take marketshare by becoming radically customer driven. He's conducted training events and seminars for corporations like Lowe’s, DuPont, Danze, Stock Building Supply, KBIS, the National Kitchen & Bath Association and many more. He can be reached at [email protected]

Brian Czawlytko

Helping small businesses from the trenches

7 年

Nice quick points to work on. #9 would be ‘not good listeners’. Some folks are so concentrated on what they are going to say next ; they don’t listen to what you are saying.


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