8 Marketing tips to get new customers
Joanne Clayton
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Here are 8 marketing tips to get new customers
1. Know your figures, create a plan and set clear SMART* goals
To get something, you need to know what you want. So you need to know your existing figures, set clear (*Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) goals and create a plan on what and how you are going to achieve your goals.
2. Know your existing customers
Start with your existing customers and aim to get more just like them. If it’s a new campaign, then consider where your strengths lie and who you want to target. Consider particular industries, geographical locations, size of company and the contact within them – this will help you build up your customer profile and create a targeted prospect list.
3. Get your data right
Marketing campaigns can be won or lost on the quality of the data, so make sure the data you are using is clean and up to date. There’s nothing worse than sending a letter to someone who left 3 years ago, or calling and finding the line is dead.
4. Make sure your timing is right
Knowing when people are likely to buy is key. Get it wrong and it could be money down the drain. Look at previous orders to see if there’s a buying pattern or a trigger point. Ask yourself if people buy your product after a certain time or event. Think about trends - perhaps it’s annual or seasonal. And don’t forget to take advantage of current affairs or exploring a theme (i.e. National Technology Week).
5. Create a strong message that your prospect can relate to
Know what problem your product solves and relay this to your prospect as a benefit. This will not only get their emotive juices flowing but will also ensure your prospect knows you understand their problem, making you the right person for the job. Always include a clear and easy call to action. This step creates a need, plus installs trust and confidence and this in turn will help increases sales.
6. Choose the right channels
Different people respond to different channels, so look at the activity you undertook in order to win your existing customers. Did they come via networking, direct mail, email marketing? Whatever it was, think about how these channels could be used again, or if you’ve not used then before then consider using them now. Direct mail is a fantastic channel, with research showing increasingly impressive conversion rates.
7. Be consistent and regular to get the best results
Consistent and regular marketing activity will help build familiarity and trust with your prospects. This will, in turn, allow you to build an ongoing pipeline of leads for the forthcoming weeks and months ahead.
8. Track your success
Test and measure your results regularly, as this will help you make improvements if necessary and identify which methods work best for future campaigns.
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