When you have finished a job interview and have turned off your device or left the building, there are some important actions to be taken. Otherwise, there is a chance that you will let high value run through your fingers - this is not a mistake to make at such a critical time.
Writing detailed notes immediately after, while the ideas are still fresh in your mind, is very important for a number of reasons. First, if you are interviewing with a number of firms, it is easy to get mixed up in your memory. Second, your notes will be invaluable for your preparation, should you be invited back. Third, you want to understand where are you are performing well and where opportunities for improvement lie. This is a moment of reflection and good note taking is key.
More importantly, what should your notes contain? Well, I believe that there are eight headings:
- Basics. Capture the name of the firm, the person (people) you met, the role, and the time and date of the interview.
- Research and Preparation. How useful was the research that you did into the firm and the individual that you met? Were there areas where you could have been better informed? This is useful so that you can not only be better prepared if you get called back, but also for research that you do for other companies that you will be interviewed by.
- The Role. What was the interviewer’s view on the role, the skills and experiences required, the goals and deliverables, and how the role has come about? Remember that each person on their interviewing team will have their own perspective. Hopefully, everyone largely agrees, but there may be significant differences that you want to be keenly aware of.
- Establishing Your Fit. How well were you able to articulate the value you would bring to the role and how close a fit you are to the interviewer’s idea of the role?
- Fit with what you want. What is your assessment of how well this firm, its culture, the role, the leadership team, the future colleagues and the opportunities fit with what you are looking for?
- How well did I perform? Break your interview performance down into chunks and take a view as to how well you did. For example:
- How well did you establish rapport?
- Did you gain a good understanding of what they want?
- Were you able to explain the value you add?
- Did your examples work and if not, how would you improve them?
- Were you able to ask them incisive questions?
- Did you identify any objections and if so, how well did you handle them?
- Follow Up. What was agreed? Make sure that you take action on any commitments you made.
- Overall Assessment. Put a score on how well it went from the perspective of what you can control and find actionable steps to take to improve your game.
By writing these notes, you will have a good idea of what that firm is looking for, be better aware of how well it fits with what you are looking for, and find ways to improve your performance.
If you are preparing for an interview and would benefit from a coaching conversation, do get in touch and make a booking.