8 Houseplant Trends on the Rise in 2023, According to Experts

8 Houseplant Trends on the Rise in 2023, According to Experts

While some things can go out of style in a home (think: anything from paint colors to kitchen appliances), houseplants aren't one of them. Plants are not only a beautiful and timeless way to enhance any space, they also offer plenty of wellness benefits. As you make plans to add to your houseplant collection, or to care for the ones you already own, we tapped several gardening experts to get their take on what to look for in the new year.

For 2023, sustainability is the name of the game, says Justin Hancock, a horticulturist at Costa Farms, the world's largest houseplant grower. He says that large growing companies, including his own, are turning to renewable resources, like coconut coir, and using more biological controls to keep pests at bay, like beneficial insects, instead of traditional chemicals.

Here's what the experts say about how this trend and others (like houseplant varieties!) are going to rise in 2023.


One trend to put on your radar in the new year is variegation, which is when plant leaves are marked with distinct, diverse coloration. Houseplants with white, silver, or pink are expected to pop, says Hancock. "Varieties like White Aspen Dracaena, Silver Dragon Alocasia, and Cool Beauty Dieffenbachia (which has green leaves with creamy-yellow centers and crisp white edges) look fabulous by themselves or mixed with other plants, making them especially versatile," he says. "And because most variegated plants grow a little more slowly since they have less chlorophyll to fuel growth, they'll continue to remain a little harder to find."


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